Charlbury Festival - contacts

Kate Smith

Tue 19 Jul 2005, 09:47

The contact for the Wychwood Fair on the 4th Sept. is Robert Bigwood 01993 868203, and they are looking for helpers on the day even if only for an hour.

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 14 Jul 2005, 21:23

Indeed, the Wychwood Fair. My eyes must be going - I'm sure when I was walking up the Enstone Rd with my 3yr old it was the 14th ...

What's it like for young children?

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 14 Jul 2005, 12:21

Malcolm - I think you must be talking about the Wychwood Fair, which is being held on the 4th September at Banbury Hill Farm. Dont know any contacts for that one - seem to think Roy Coates may have something to do with this. His email is For your info, the Garden Room is the bit on the side of the Memorial Hall, which can be hired out separately from the main hall.

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 13 Jul 2005, 22:52

Thanks for the info Susie. Seems like there is another festival the week before on the 14th up on a farm nearby as well!

Where is the Garden Room??

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Sun 10 Jul 2005, 17:26

Hi Malcolm, if you are talking about Street Fair and wanting to help - or have a stall - then the first person to contact is our secretary Sue Cooper. Her telephone number is 01608 819139 and her email address is

Street Fair is on 17th September and our next committee meeting is on 19th July in the Garden Room at 8pm if you would like to come along and offer your services. You can always contact me, Susie at

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 8 Jul 2005, 23:14


kate southey

Fri 8 Jul 2005, 21:43

That's the Street Fair! Lemme dig around and fine some peoples addresses to email you!! Or Richard may see this and help you out!
Kate x

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 8 Jul 2005, 21:34

Sorry, I meant the one in September. Or is that the Charlbury FAIR?? Duh.

kate southey

Fri 8 Jul 2005, 21:33

Malcolm, Riverside Festival, Beer Festival or Cornbury Festival?
Kate x

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 8 Jul 2005, 18:27

Could someone mail me some contacts? They aren't up on this 'ere website yet and I never put them down on paper before going offline during the move.

Make a comment you've done it so we don't get repeated emails!

Many thanks.

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