Kamil Swiderek |
Sun 5 May 2024, 20:28 For the first time in Charlbury, get ready for an epic night of bluffing, strategy, and dice rolls with our Perudo Night with Orson Fry. All levels and groups welcome, from novice to professional. We will play in games of six, feel free to join as a group or an individual. Food and drink will be available throughout the evening and game sets will be provided. The Bull | Wednesday 8th May | 7pm
Perudo is a descendent of the ancient South American game ‘Dudo’, more commonly known today as Liar’s Dice. Played by two or more people, it is quick to play—the faster the more fun! In Perudo, players take it in turns to bid on how many dice of a certain number are under everyone’s cups. They are eliminated when their bids are successfully challenged (or dudo’d) and they have no dice left. The last person standing wins. |
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