Help! green waste

Laura Macy

Sun 5 May 2024, 15:38

Can somebody help me with a mountain of green waste? I had someone come to do a major cleanup of my garden last week. He did a good job, but it then turned out he couldn't take the waste away. There really is a mountain of it. I have a green bin, but that's a tiny tip of the greenberg.  The gardener 'knew a bloke' who he said was going to come this weekend. But then it all got a bit fuzzy and I'm left with a mountain of green waste and no way to shift it. 

Does someone have a truck and access to a means to get rid of this waste? It's all just normal plant waste. And, of course, I know these things cost and I'm willing to pay. My garden is nearly back to lovely, if only I can get rid of this stuff. Please contact me through the website if you can help. 

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