Cornbury on the Move

Alison Cherry

Sat 4 Dec 2010, 20:41

Great Tew it is then!!

Harriet Baldwin

Fri 15 Oct 2010, 11:05

Wherever it is I'd have thought it has to have easy access for plenty of cars, ie not single track roads or two roads which can be used one for vehicles travelling in and one or vehicles leaving. I don't think Ditchley has that.

How about Enstone Airfield (which I think is owned by Great Tew)?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 14 Oct 2010, 22:26

Bear in mind that the freshly designed Cornbury Festival website banner is saying "near Charlbury". I suspect that rules out Great Tew, but Kiddington I could believe.


Thu 14 Oct 2010, 14:44

what about ditchley park.

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Thu 14 Oct 2010, 13:12

heard rumours of Kiddington Estate mentioned

Paul Taylor

Mon 11 Oct 2010, 22:22

Alison Thats a good shout

Alison Cherry

Mon 11 Oct 2010, 20:55

I doubt that it is Heythrop as since they have had their leisure centre revamped and made the golf course they wouldn't even entertain 'The Race for Life' last year. My money is on Great Tew Estate.

Paul Taylor

Sun 10 Oct 2010, 09:50

Using Charlbury station 12 minutes away must be Heythrop park

Dave Oates

Wed 6 Oct 2010, 17:32

Having just watched the interview with Hugh on WitneyTV, it appears he didn't have much choice - Cornbury Park have signed a deal with HMV to put on another festival, and for Hugh to be part of that, it would have meant losing most of his team and seeing the ethos of what he has created disappear. I for one don't blame him for his decision and listening to the inteview, feel that the Festival will continue to grow and thrive in a new home, with consideration being giving to those Charlbury residents through the provision of a shuttle bus service from the station.

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 6 Oct 2010, 15:29

Why has he done it?


Wed 6 Oct 2010, 10:56

Ive watched witney tv hes not saying where it is only that its 12 to 15 mins away fro charlbury station and why hes done it which i agree with him.


Tue 5 Oct 2010, 15:22

If you watch witney tv later today there is an interview with hugh about the festival

Frank Payne

Mon 4 Oct 2010, 16:16

I heard a rumour earlier in the summer that Cornbury Park was going to be sold. That might be the real reason that the festival is moving.

Pearl Manners

Mon 4 Oct 2010, 13:15

Ditchley Park is not far away wonder if that's a possibility or even Rangers Lodge which I believe is close to camping site.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 3 Oct 2010, 19:40

Hope the Charlbury school CSA tea and cake marquee (spelling ... marquee?) is OK, it is a life saver for the school (says he with vested interest!).


Sat 2 Oct 2010, 09:39

maybe heythrope park. or maybe hes coming to finstock as hes see how fantastic the festival is.

Chris Bates

Fri 1 Oct 2010, 08:47

10 mins drive further from harlbury - which makes walking from the town / station hard...hope he puts on a proper shuttle bus, at leasty from the station.

John Munro

Thu 30 Sep 2010, 18:37

Not unless Blenheim can be described as "....deeper in the countryside......"

Helen Holwill

Thu 30 Sep 2010, 18:30

Or has he upgraded to Blenheim?

John Munro

Thu 30 Sep 2010, 17:13

So where is the festival moving to? Hugh says 10 minutes down the road - is that 10 minutes walk or drive?
Is he planning to merge with The Riverside? :-) Perhaps he has seen how successful we have been locally....or could he be merging with the Beer Festival - another great example of how to run events so well!
Has he had a bust up with Lord and Lady Rotherwick or something?
Any other speculation or rumour flying around?

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