A humming noise in Charlbury?

Will Ord
👍 1

Tue 30 Apr 2024, 08:35

I really appreciate all the ideas and responses!  Thank you! 

Helen Chapman

Tue 30 Apr 2024, 08:11

If there is a train stopped for a while at the station or at a signal there is often a low hum of engine noise - but that's fairly irregular rather than all the time.

Valerie Stewart
👍 5

Mon 29 Apr 2024, 23:17

Why do bees hum? 

Because they've forgotten the words.

Sorry about that; it's been a long day. 

Charlie M

Mon 29 Apr 2024, 21:01

Something 'pinged' in my mind ... and I was correct. If you care to type "humming" in the search box in the top right-hand corner, you will find that there are no less than thirteen pages of references to past humming in these pages! 

And as far as I can see they are mostly about audio humming rather than ... any other kind ...

michele marietta
👍 1

Mon 29 Apr 2024, 19:57

Will this is going to sound odd, but do you still have an old-school TV aerial on your roof? We have, and when the breeze gets going, it hums -- almost like when you blow across the top of a beer bottle? Just a thought.

Andrew Chapman

Mon 29 Apr 2024, 19:17

Haven't heard it myself, Will, but similar things are much documented:



Will Ord
👍 1

Mon 29 Apr 2024, 16:52

Is there a humming noise in Charlbury?  I suspect this has been asked before.  I often hear an 'irregularly pulsating' hum that can last days at a time.  When mentioned, though, a few people seem to hear it but the majority don't.  I never hear it when I leave Charlbury and noise cancelling headphones dramatically reduce the noise... so it's not tinnitus!  

Does anyone know what it might be / causes etc.?  It would be great if it stopped!

Thanks in advance.    

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