What is going on with this website?!! (Debate)

Nicolette lethbridge
👍 1

Sat 13 Apr, 19:46

Dear Deborah. You are not alone. I had the same problem a few weeks ago. Nicolette 

Deborah Longshaw

Sat 13 Apr, 13:34

Firstly, let me apologise, Richard. Of course I realise that you have a life beyond this site. 
I am now genuinely puzzled since I came on this morning & I swear there was no sign of my original posting. Having myself now come back from a dog walk, I find it has magically reappeared! Oh dear, must be age.

please feel free to remove THIS post - the original issue still exists. 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 12

Sat 13 Apr, 11:59 (last edited on Sat 13 Apr, 12:03)

I have not removed your post. I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about.

As far as I can tell, you posted your query at 12.36pm yesterday. You then sent the same question in an email at 2.04pm.

Yesterday I was enjoying a day in the sunshine walking up a hill with my kid. I came home, went to choir practice, went to the Rose & Crown, went to bed. I wake up and find you have posted complaining about the response time.

Deborah Longshaw

Sat 13 Apr, 11:26

Sorry Richard but you do not silence me that easily.

I put a simple request for help on the website and even emailed you but nothing. All I want to do is place an advert and having issues. I am trying to find out whether these issue lie at my end or yours - however since I have been able to place the advert on FB Marketplace, complete with photos - I am dubious that it lies at my end. However, until I get some sort of response how can I deduce anything and move forward.

I find it completely shocking that you felt that you had to remove my post without even emailing (or dropping me a message on here) me to explain - or give me a response. 
I have deliberately posted this now in the debate section in the hope that you - or even another admin will have the decency to respond to my simple request>

As you (and others) well know I am a long time user (and supporter) of the site and am aware of your low tolerance of anything remotely confrontational but this is not good.
I await some response so we can both get on with out lives, and I can post my advert.

Thank you

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