Celebrating the incredible resource that is this website

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 13

Thu 11 Apr 2024, 11:04

Helen and Kris – thank you! It means a lot to know it’s useful.

Gary – absolutely, 100% agreed. It’s a big job (all the pages need redoing); I’m partway through but haven’t had the hours in the day to finish it yet.

Susie Finch
(site admin)
👍 4

Wed 10 Apr 2024, 17:41

Gary on my phone it does if you turn your mobile round!

Gary Harrison
👍 3

Wed 10 Apr 2024, 10:45

My only request would be that it is made more mobile friendly?  Pages do not resize which makes it hard to use.

K Harper
👍 18

Wed 10 Apr 2024, 09:40

As a direct result of being on this forum, we as a family, have had many items saved from the tip by the amazing skills of the resource that is Charlbury Green Hub.  Their repair record is exemplary and we are delighted with results.  Very grateful thanks to all involved there and the administrators/moderators at Charlbury.info.  Kind regards, Kris & family. 

Helen Holwill
👍 41

Wed 10 Apr 2024, 09:02

I'd just like to say (again) how wonderful this website is, and how grateful I am for all the work that has gone into creating and running it. What we often aren't aware of are all the side interactions that must happen 'in real life' as a result of it. For example, I've met and had very interesting conversations with people I've sold or given things to, or have collected things from. And I know from personal experience that there are some objects which have been passed multiple times from person to person and have therefore repeatedly saved people money and a trip to the shops while giving them an excuse to meet another local person and also helping to conserve the planets resources. Does anyone have any stories of any objects like this that must have done the rounds, or been borrowed a lot? Or perhaps friendships or romantic relationships that have developed specifically between people who have met via the site?

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