Tiny, online grief support group (so far all local)

Jess Goyder

Tue 2 Apr 2024, 14:46 (last edited on Wed 3 Apr 2024, 12:38)

It's likely my small support group is going ahead. Numbers 6-8 max. 

I hope to make it purely local, as so far only people in the area have expressed interest. Perhaps the idea of meeting online is less intimidating and more accessible.

Starting Weds 8th May, 7.15 - 9.15 and meeting weekly for 2 months. If you haven't come across how I work already, it's very different from anything you may have encountered so far. I use a gentle, evidence-based model called The Grief Recovery Method. There will be some reading and writing between sessions. I will be available between meetings for additional support, step by step.

This isn't only incredibly helpful for bereavement, but also other significant losses, such as divorce, heartbreak, pet loss, a loved one with a diagnosis, chronic illness and career changes. 2 partial bursary places are currently available. You can find out more on my website, here:


I'm happy to have a short call if you'd like to see if this is right for you, and can provide signposting for other support if needed. 

Contact: jess@jessgoyder.com or through the website.

Jess Goyder

Certified Grief Recovery Specialist


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