
Miles Walkden

Thu 7 Mar 2024, 09:40

Yes, the Jackdaws are amazing here. When we first moved the flock was in the tree at the back of our house and I panicked that the noise was going to be constant. 

I now know that they do come occasionally for a day or two, then move on, and I now love them coming. 

Interestingly, Jackdaws tend to mate for life, so watch out for pairs within the group. 

Simon J Harley
👍 1

Thu 7 Mar 2024, 08:03

Saw, and heard them again this morning. After listening to Jackdaws on YouTube to compare the sound, I think they are Jackdaws.  It looks like you can refer to them as a murmuration, but more aptly are known as a clattering. 

Andy Godfrey

Thu 7 Mar 2024, 05:47

Corvids fly up & down in a large flock as the sun rises, & also as it sets, before they roost.

Rod Evans
👍 2

Wed 6 Mar 2024, 18:35 (last edited on Wed 6 Mar 2024, 20:36)

I suspect more likely the jackdaws which roost here in large numbers.  A lot of wood pigeons lately too.  But I saw a cormorant fly past yesterday, only the second time I've seen one here - s/he'd have more luck on the Cornbury lakes than trying to find fish in the Evenlode just now!

As for that link, why a Redditch shopping centre of all places!!

Simon J Harley

Wed 6 Mar 2024, 18:16

It's definitely a large flock of birds so may well be Starlings. They are all taking off together, swirling in the sky, and then flying off.

K Harper

Wed 6 Mar 2024, 15:40

Mark Benians
👍 1

Wed 6 Mar 2024, 12:11

I believe it is the dawn chorus you are enjoying, a lovely sound to wake up to! Murmuration normally describes the spectacular movement of a flock of starling in the evening.

Simon J Harley
👍 2

Wed 6 Mar 2024, 06:42

Are there more birds around this year?  The noise in the morning is incredible.  I don’t know if this is the correct term, but the murmuration of birds the last few mornings around 6am while walking the dog is quite amazing to watch.

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