Assisted Dying for those in suffering in our Town? (Debate)

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Thu 29 Feb, 15:02

About the best modestly long article in the online newspaper I've seen in recent years. Our population is demographically ageing and the house price/income differentials increase (beyond reason) and general shortages means the younger demographics are not coming in. Two paragraphs leapt out at me: Discuss - 

"That assisted dying is being considered at a time when the country’s mental and physical health is worsening and destitution is spreading only adds to this. While patients are struggling to access treatment from the NHS, and older and disabled people are being left without even basic social care, it is not fearmongering to suggest that economic and social factors shape individual choices – even when those choices look like “autonomy”. It is hard to trust the state to help marginalised people to die when they fail to support them to live."


"In the coming months, politicians will correctly dedicate hours to discussing the right to a good death. Imagine, though, if they were to give equal attention to the right to a good life: from building social housing, exploring a basic income, investing in mental and physical health services, to – as the inquiry recommends – funding universal coverage of palliative care and more specialists in end-of-life pain.

In our final days, each of us deserves as much peace and care as the state can provide. That we also deserve it in life may be the real taboo."


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