Parking meeting

Gareth Epps

Wed 24 Jan 2024, 16:53


Jane Crane

Wed 24 Jan 2024, 13:51

Is the meeting tonight open to the public to observe, if so where is it and when is it … I’ve failed to find information on it on this sight.

Jane Crane

Wed 24 Jan 2024, 13:46

Thank you James for your reply 

I think a public meeting would be useful for members of the committee to understand where we residents stand and what experiences we have had over the years of living in center of Charlbury. Pavement condition and lighting should be on the same agenda as walking down many of the street especially Market Street ( one of the main routes from the station and eateries) in the dark is dangerous. 

Gareth Epps

Wed 24 Jan 2024, 09:18

(Posting in a personal ccapacity)

The outcomes of the meeting (a committee meeting, held in public, not quite the same as a “public meeting”) will be discussed at tonight’s town council meeting.

Jane Crane

Wed 24 Jan 2024, 08:20

I am disappointed to have missed the meeting last Wednesday on parking in Charlbury.

I had raised an issue with two town councillors at the last town council drop in before Christmas and left my email address for contact.

I was surprised that there was only two days notice and it was in the news section ….I must have missed the notice on the notice boards about town too.

Is there anyway that I can add my question to the debate?

Is there to be another public meeting..perhaps with more publicity ?

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