Home visit of Talk-Talk representative?

Andrew Greenfield

Thu 15 Jul 2010, 20:26

Just a quick update for you all.

As I said in my previous post, I did email Talk-Talk after typing my original post here, and got an automated response promising an answer to my query the next day. It is now two days on and still no response, which in view of my obviously critical email to them, is a little surprising, and just heaps more evidence on to the idea that their customer service is poor.

By the way Geoff, you made the comment
"Baffles me why gas ,electric, water& telephone, are OK to call at peoples houses but Talk Talk who supply telephone service should not, the idea was to inform about the upgrade to broadband speed in Charlbury"

My answer to that is that it is not "OK" for them to call on me, though it is something that is impossible to stop. I will find everything I want by searching myself and do not need doorstep callers to assist me, thanks very much. If anything it does exactly the opposite of their intentions and makes me more likely to go elsewhere.

Watch this space!

Geoff Belcher

Thu 15 Jul 2010, 15:31

What nonsense, the phone test is to see what quality of service can be offered,as all line give different readings dependent on distance rom exchange to quality of cables in the ground,there is a difference believe me.if you phone up for service that test is always carried out.I have the paperwork from this visit,genuine Talk Talk contract form,complete with cooling off period mentioned.
Bathroom was not visited or toilet used.

Simon Walker

Thu 15 Jul 2010, 10:02

Just to bring this whole dicussion back to where it started; always, always, ALWAYS check the ID of anyone who is trying to solicit business on the doorstep. If they are genuine, they will have no reticence in showing their ID - if they just walk off, then the chances are high that they are on some sort of a scam. Checking phone lines sounds remarkably similar to asking to turn on a bathroom tap to "check the pressure" - in other words, they either want to see what you've got, or distract you from seeing what they are up to. End of lecture.

Andrew Greenfield

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 23:52

I agree Peter, and never buy anything at my door, nor do I usually even bother to listen to people, but just send them away.

It's the same on the phone; as soon as I know someone is trying to sell me something, I just say two words, "Not interested" and put the phone down. In spite of being TPS registered, some companies seem still to phone, and then apologise when I ask them why they are phoning, as I'm TPS registered.

Peter Evans

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 22:48

Personally, I object to any sales people calling at my house, to only give one point of view, and attempt to pressure sell. It is very easy to find out the best deal online, without the misleading sales pitch.

Geoff Belcher

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 22:30

Thanks Andrew,I was with Tiscali until taken over by Talk Talk,never had bad service,Most comments are usually by people who have never tried the service they run down. Baffles me why gas ,electric, water& telephone, are OK to call at peoples houses but Talk Talk who supply telephone service should not, the idea was to inform about the upgrade to broadband speed in Charlbury,the phone call was to check line quality so a possible line speed could be given, nothing sinister about it.
The only problem was the people going around did not seem to have some of the info required, the young lady tried to get me to cancell my supplier (talk Talk) and register me for Talk Talk,she had only been with the marketing company for 3 weeks.

Andrew Greenfield

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 20:23

Thanks for your comment Geoff. I would not be surprised about a standard caller to my house to sign me up to a change of gas, electricity, water or telephone supplier, and indeed this has happened several time in the past. However, for someone to feel they should come into my house and make a phone call as this young girl did, to "check my line" put me most definitely on my guard.

I have heard many and varied comments about the service that Talk-Talk gives; great when it's working, but when and if something goes wrong, you can be left without a service at all for some time. Either way, I don't think this is a very good way for Talk-Talk to get new customers.

I did email Talk-Talk last night after posting here, got an automated reply saying they would send a proper answer today. They have not answered so I am concerned that their service is no better than many have said.

I think I will stick with my current broadband supplier. Better the devil you know--?

Geoff Belcher

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 18:06

Perhaps you did not Talk Talk to them for long enough!!

Derek Collett

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 17:47

I had a visit from two Jehovah's Witnesses this morning. They promised me heaven on earth and a ringside seat at the Second Coming, which was nice. However, when I asked them if they could supply me with superfast reliable broadband at an affordable price a curious reticence came over them and they seemed unwilling to continue the conversation!

Geoff Belcher

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 16:40

Hi I am with Talk Talk,also had visit from young lady who was not from Talk Talk but fron a Coventry firm employed by Talk Talk to try and sign up new customers now that the exchange is being upgraded so that next year we will be offered a 20meg broadband.
Not strange that only Talk Talk customers get the faster speed as the ISP provider pays for its own new equipment in the exchange!
At the moment you could get up to 16.3meg conection depending on where you live ( distanse from Exchange)from Talk Talk.
Why you would be amazed that a company like Talk Talk should try and recruit more customers is beyond me,BT do the same type of marketing as do most gas & electric suppliers.

Kieran Hood

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 10:07

I also had a knock on the door from a Talk-Talk rep. He said that the local exchange had been upgraded, but strangely, it is only Talk-Talk customers who will see the benefit.
I sent him on his merry little way.

Shelagh Scott

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 09:45

Too much coincidence for them to be genuine. Very worrying that people will fall for this and let them in. Perhaps a warning notice could be put up on the notice boards for those who don't read this forum.

Teresa Duester

Wed 14 Jul 2010, 08:20

Andrew, exactly the same thing happened to me last night, except it was a young man purpoting to be from BT! Exactly the same story, said the exchange had recently been upgraded and that I could now get free Broadband all he had to do to check my eligibiilty was to make a quick phone call from my telephone. When I said that I would phone and check with BT in the morning he walked away.

Paul Taylor

Tue 13 Jul 2010, 21:20

18 month contract 8meg we get 11 meg with the free booster .Customer services are rubbish our phones with them as well in the package . if you get a line fault forget it very bad.

Andrew Greenfield

Tue 13 Jul 2010, 20:13

I have just this minute opened the door to a young girl purporting to be from Talk-Talk, the telephone and Broadband supplier, suggesting that the telephone exchange in Charlbury has just been upgraded and that now subscribers to Talk-Talk town are able to have free broadband. By the way, I do not use Talk-Talk at the moment for either my phone or broadband.

She wished to come into the house and make a telephone call to check the line quality. I am afraid I was quite rude to her and told her I am not interested in letting a stranger come in to make a telephone call in this manner. However, I am interested to know if anyone has heard any information about this supposed exchange upgrade, if it is true that the exchange has been upgraded, and if anyone who is already using Talk-Talk has anything to add to this.

I am totally amazed that national company supplying telephone services should come around to households like this, and expect anything other than my type of rude response. Regrettably, I did not ask her for any identification, but simply told her to go away.

I shall be contacting Talk-Talk after typing this post to the forum, to ask for something of an explanation, and to find out if it really was their worker who appeared at my door.

Anyone got any thoughts on this? Am I being just a paranoid twit missing out on a good deal for free broadband, or was this an abominable attempt by a communications company to communicate to the town that there really is something worth thinking about?

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