Glamping campsite on Spelsbury Road

Susie Burnett
👍 4

Tue 9 Jan 2024, 17:13

That's good to hear, Hans!

Hans Eriksson
👍 13

Tue 9 Jan 2024, 17:04

Have a look at the Charlbury Neighbourhood plan page 57 Policy NE5. The site is in a Conservation Target Area. "Development proposals will not be supported in the three Conservation Target Areas". The WODC planning officer cannot overrule this, as neighbourhood plans are a fundamental matter.

There is also the matter of the site's tree felling license. It has a restocking requierement where the plantation must be replanted with 1600 trees per hectare evenly spaced, with a maximum of 2.5 metres betwen each new tree. That means there would be no room for the proposed tents, roads, parking, cafeteria, septic tank etc. I have been advised it would be unlawful to breach the restocking requirement, and that a planning permission cannot somehow remove it or overrule it.

Looks like it can't happen no matter what your opinion about it is.  

Susie Burnett
👍 1

Tue 9 Jan 2024, 14:46 (last edited on Tue 9 Jan 2024, 14:46)

Given the debate around the proposed houses beyond the station, I am intrigued by what residents in Charlbury think about the proposed glamping site on Spelsbury Road: Change of Use from agricultural to 'glamping' campsite comprising 18 nos. camping units (8 nos. bell tents, 7 nos. shepherds huts and 3 nos. A-frame pods), ancillary facilities (including cafeteria and site reception, 2 nos. toilet and shower blocks, maintenance and storage barn), access and parking, and associated infrastructure.

Is this a good thing? Are we in danger of becoming another Cotswold tourist trap?

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