To encourage the others

Christine Battersby
👍 11

Fri 29 Dec 2023, 15:30 (last edited on Fri 29 Dec 2023, 15:30)

Anu: Your response shows that you don't understand how the Blue Badge system works. You say: "If  you’re really unable to walk a short distance, you most definitely qualify for a blue badge and I would recommend you take it up with your GP."

That's been true for me for most of the summer, but I certainly would not have qualified for a blue badge. To qualify, difficulties with walking can't be temporary or intermittent. The OCC website specifically says that a person doesn't qualify for a badge if  they "have a temporary disability or intermittent mobility issues" OR  if they "are frail due to old age unless you also have a permanent and substantial physical disability".

Elsewhere the government defines a permanent difficulty in walking as likely to last more than 3 years. 

Charlbury has a very high proportion of residents over the age of 65, and -- once you start to notice it -- there are also quite a few young people relying on crutches or sticks. Walking to the Coop is one thing; carrying heavy shopping back home is quite another thing.

Ironically, the government and OCC have declared an interest in keeping elderly people and those with temporary disabilities out of community hospitals and care homes, and instead living independently in their own homes, but the parking arrangements just haven't kept up with these new social goals. 

Anu Green
👍 3

Fri 29 Dec 2023, 13:48

Christine, I was referring to the conversation prior to my comment and not residents but as you brought it up, I feel I must respond. Provocation is not ever unnecessary as it brings on conversation and different opinions and perspectives. Yes, I am young(ish) and you must be old(ish), don’t really know what that has to do with anything. I do walk from our home to the local businesses whenever possible and on ann occasion I’ve had to drive down, I’ve never had problems with parking at the Co-op. I must have been really lucky. If you’re really unable to walk a short distance, you most definitely qualify for a blue badge and I would recommend you take it up with your GP. Parking in general is not a problem but spaces in the centre where you obviously prefer to park are at short supply at lunch times and in the evenings when the clientele for the pubs is at abundance. If everyone would think a little bit more whether the car is necessary for a short trip to the shop, pub, library etc. we would have much less of them in the centre in the first place. Also, rather than park on double yellow lines, park a bit further out and walk down. 

Christine Battersby
👍 6

Fri 29 Dec 2023, 11:14

Anu, As you are obviously young(ish) and fit, I hope you park in the station car park when coming into Charlbury, and free up parking places by walking from there. Or alternatively come in by bike or walk from where you live.

For the many Charlbury residents who are elderly, have mobility problems but who don't qualify for a blue badge, there are very few parking places which would enable them to park and also shop in the Coop, visit the library and community centre or town centre businesses. There are very few in Enstone Rd now that the double yellow lines have been extended. Park Street is difficult to park in, and attempting to do so is likely to increase petrol usage given the difficulties of reversing there. Hixet Wood is very hilly. 

Your suggestion that residents of Charlbury are simply too lazy to walk to the shops is unnecessarily provocative. And for those who don't think that losing a few places in The Bull car park is neither here nor there, I can assure you that recent changes have made a huge difference.

Thank goodness for The Bell carpark, but that's only opened us as a possibility when drinking or eating there (a rather expensive solution!).

Anu Green
👍 3

Fri 29 Dec 2023, 09:59

Simon, I’m talking about further than Co-op and Spendlove. Park Street, Hixet Wood, Enstone Road and Wychwood Paddocks for example are still perfectly within walking distance unless you’re disabled in which case I agree, you might be struggling for space. Mind you, if you are a blue badge holder, you are allowed to park on double yellows as long as you display your badge and clock card, it’s safe to do so, you’re 15 meters from a junction and you don’t exceed 3 hours.

Simon J Harley
👍 6

Fri 29 Dec 2023, 05:23 (last edited on Fri 29 Dec 2023, 05:34)

Anu, in my experience, this is not always the case. I have often tried parking during the day, to find no on street parking, and the COOP carpark full. There has, on occasion, been the odd space in the Community Centre carpark and Spendlove Centre carpark, but these are both clearly signed for use of patrons only, so have not used them. 

Anu Green
👍 8

Thu 28 Dec 2023, 18:15

There are parking spaces in Charlbury only the clientele of the businesses are too lazy to walk a short distance.

Angela Timms
👍 7

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 22:19

I will certainly be supporting The Bull’s request for changes. They are new owners, the previous planning was submitted and agreed by the previous landlord. 

Hopefully more of Sunday’s ticketing for those who flout regulations, be they from The Bull, local residents, people picking up kids or whomever.

Hans Eriksson
👍 10

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 14:54 (last edited on Tue 12 Dec 2023, 14:57)

My statement below has nothing to do with the viability of certain hostelries in the fine town of Charlbury. Because I can hold two somewhat competing thoughts in my head - being for the recent success of pubs and restaurants, and at the same time being concerned with illegal parking locally.

The Bull could ask guests to park considerably - and not on double yellow lines, these are there for a reason, to allow fire engines, lorries and ambulances through. 

If no alternative can be found for the guest the Bull could offer a lift from/to the station car park using the electric Land Rover. Guests can easily afford parking at the station for a few pounds as room rates at the Bull are about £ 200.

Problem solved and job done. 

david cook
👍 2

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 14:22

Hi Christopher can't disagree with your posting however circumstances can change and planning consent should not be set in stone never to be changed to reflect changing circumstances. Would not one solution be for the council to stop throwing their hands up in the air stating nothing can be done. Painting yellow lines all over the town and enforcing original planning restrictions only drive increasing number of cars into fewer parking spaces. The station carpark is quite empty at weekends perhaps an arrangement can be found to utilise the space for weekend visitors to Charlbury at not prohibitive pricing. Residents parking would have impact on commuter parking, acquisition of a plot of land for visitor parking would also assist. Some imagination is required not anti car policies and can't resolve attitudes.

Christopher Tatton
👍 18

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 13:58 (last edited on Tue 12 Dec 2023, 14:22)

Except that not that long ago, the Bull had 15 car parking spaces. It’s not rocket science to work out, that Fifteen cars parked on yellow lines on the Church Street/Market St, Sheep St junction and the surrounding vicinity will create chaos in peak summer tourist season for other more considerate residents, motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and buses and could also become a public safety issue if emergency vehicles cannot access through as needed. 

Unfortunately the Bull reduced the number of precious car parking spaces without the necessary planning permission, so are having to apply for retrospective planning permission. Perhaps it’s ok for us to all do what we like these days without planning permission? 

And before anyone accuses me of being anti the wonderful facilities in Charlbury now, I am a regular customer at the Bull, the Bell, the Rosie and local shops which are all great. Had a fantastic meal recently at Chloe’s and hope to sample Amarelo’s soon, as I’ve heard great reports. When owners a few years ago submitted a plan to close the Bull and put three executive houses on this site,  it was me that went down to Cllr Liz Leffman and told her in my usual polite way that this historic wonderful pub was not going to be allowed to close, and the beginning of the community campaign to preserve the Bull was planned. 

Matt Bullock
👍 11

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 13:01 (last edited on Tue 12 Dec 2023, 13:35)

I agree with David. Half a dozen parking spaces are neither here nor there in the scheme of things. More than double that number park on our streets daily to avoid Apcoa's charges at the station. 

Whether we like it or not, Charlbury is currently the place to be; in a year's time the broadsheet press will be lauding some other town and their readers will be flocking there instead. In the meantime, shouldn't we be supporting our local businesses, allowing so many newly-established enterprises to secure their financial futures - if you like, to 'make hay whilst the sun shines', because it won't be shining on Charlbury forever?

david cook
👍 14

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 12:30

I encourage the residents of Charlbury to support the Bull planning application. The Bull together with The Bell, Chloe's and Amarelo Bistro have brought much needed economical and social benefits to Charlbury, a town which was in danger of becoming a dormitory town. The failure of the council to delivery any practical solution to the ongoing parking issues is lamentable. Charlbury is enjoying good publicity in the national press and seen as a place to visit and spend time, the ongoing anti car policy of the council and some residents will soon drive visitors elsewhere and will threaten the new and future enterprises in Charlbury. I understand there are now objections to the Bull's planned New Year celebrations despite the Bull taking action to provide a parking service at the Cricket Club. I seriously question the real motives of those objecting to the Bull's planning action?

Hans Eriksson

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 12:26 (last edited on Tue 12 Dec 2023, 12:31)

You are right Helen, I will amend

Helen Chapman

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 12:13

Hans I'm confused by the plans you've shared there (and to be honest by the naming of the docs on the application - one says 'amended site plan', but when you click on it it shows the existing layout.  - but looking at the application, I think this is the proposed change:

It shows 8 car-parking spaces.

Hans Eriksson

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 10:52 (last edited on Tue 12 Dec 2023, 12:31)

Posted in error ignore

Diana Limburg

Tue 12 Dec 2023, 09:44

Thanks for the nudge Amanda. I've added my objection/comment as well. 

It would be good to get more comments, you can add yours here:

Amanda Epps
👍 6

Mon 11 Dec 2023, 23:04

I have just posted a comment on the Bull’s planning application.   There are only two so far.  If you want to see the parking reinstated, please make your views known to the Planning committee via the WODC website.

👍 3

Sun 10 Dec 2023, 20:14

Not sure the cost of a parking ticket would bother many of the vehicle owners 

Thomas T Riss
👍 4

Sun 10 Dec 2023, 17:52

Blimey, at this rate perhaps the Bull should be increasing its parking spaces back up to fifteen, rather than trying to reduce them to Severn for its guests and customers, just sayin. 

Tim at Cotswold Frames
👍 14

Sun 10 Dec 2023, 12:47 (last edited on Sun 10 Dec 2023, 12:47)

Think I counted 9 tickets handed out yesterday evening on Market st, sheep st & church st 

Stephen Andrews
👍 6

Sun 10 Dec 2023, 12:11

Bookmark this if you need to report an illegally parked vehicle. You will need to upload a photograph clearly showing the registration plate and location

and use this to confirm the make and model

It is just also not about lack of convenience or cost to car owners. Two vehicles were illegally 'parked' on opposite sides at the bottom of Church St yesterday afternoon and evening narrowing the road so the bus could barely get through, but more importantly turning it into a blind bend with obvious danger for all road users.

Gareth Epps
👍 9

Sun 10 Dec 2023, 09:00

Later on, a shiny black tractor of the Chelsea variety, parked half on the pavement on double yellow lines by the Rose & Crown (but unlikely to be connected to the clientele) was also sporting a ticket.  Parking enforcement has come to town!

Jody O'Reilly
👍 15

Sun 10 Dec 2023, 08:36

The bull landrover got a ticket yesterday too, on the double yellows on the corner right outside. I only grinned a little bit as we walked past. 

Tim Gosling
👍 4

Sat 9 Dec 2023, 23:06

Although the topic of parking has become rather boring, I was interested to observe a parking ticket being slapped on the Windscreen of a car parked opposite the Rose and Crown today. Not an Aston Martin, Range Rover, Chelsea tractor, Armoured personnel carrier or whatever daft name is currently in vogue, but a small blue VW. Incorrectly parked all the same so a ticket becomes due. I am not sure of the cost of a parking ticket these days as it must be at least 30 years ago since I last had one, but I hope it does not financially inconvenience the owner. I am sure the owners of some of the other cars often badly parked would not be concerned about the extra expense. Anyway, as I saw this I also observed the Bull Land Rover being diligently parallel parked into a space only marginally longer than itself when it could have quite easily have parked half on the double yellow lines outside the pub. So, there we go, the issue of one parking ticket has had a positive effect - however small it might be.

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