20Mph Review

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 1

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 22:21

Rachel Ramsay

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 22:07

Nine cars behind you, eh?

Brian Murray
👍 2

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 21:55

Richard is confirming what has been said before; the best way we can all help keep the speed down is by driving within the limit. Perhaps there will be occasions when someone is determined to overtake but most drivers will follow your example - whether they wish to or not. 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 17

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 20:50

I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Last week I drove along the Slade and the nine cars behind me were all doing 20mph.

Andrew Chapman
👍 2

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 18:28

The record I’ve seen on The Slade so far is 66mph (a few months ago)…

Jim Holah
👍 2

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 18:13

It's now on The Slade, doing the same job there

Katie Ewer

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 15:09

Does anyone know why the speed indicator on Nine acres Lane was removed. It really worked at slowing drivers down along there (although I also clocked many, many drivers ignoring it, including several drivers doing >40mph!)

Gareth Epps
👍 5

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 12:38

The good news is that after a lengthy search we now have a new Speedwatch coordinator, and there will be a call for volunteers shortly.  Anyone interested should let Lisa our Town Clerk know.

(Thames Valley Police has made the process of volunteering for Speedwatch much more bureaucratic and difficult, which fits with the pattern that includes a big reduction in the number of times speed camera vans are seen, etc.)

Bad drivers such as the one Michael describes should be reported to the police, especially if you have a dashboard camera.

The County Council has been asked some time ago to replace the 30mph indicators on The Slade with 20mph equivalents.  I have some of the green and yellow signs, plus cable ties, and you may see me on a ladder shortly to put them up.

Diana Limburg
👍 3

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 10:30

As part of this, would it be possible to change the speed checker on the Slade as it is still measuring against the 30 MPH limit? Set at 10MPH above the actual speed limit, it still flashes up very regularly, indicating that a substantial number of cars speeding by more than 10MPH. 

Liz Leffman
👍 4

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 09:24

One of the councillors at West Oxfordshire is a fire officer who has attended many bad accidents.  At the council meeting yesterday in relation to a motion about a difficult junction on the A40 he said that there are no bad roads, only bad drivers.  This applies to anyone who chooses to overtake in the centre of the town.  Bad drivers ignore speed restrictions. That does not make the speed restrictions themselves bad or redundant. 

Enforcement by the police does not happen as we all know, except very sporadically, but we have had a very dedicated team of Speedwatch volunteers in the town in the past, and we have plenty of warning signs reminding people to slow down.  It is hard to see how we can make every single driver adhere to the rules all of the time through enforcement but we all can do our best by keeping to the speed limit ourselves, as you obviously do, Michael, and thank you for that on behalf of us all

Michael Grant
👍 2

Wed 29 Nov 2023, 19:54

Hello all, I write this asking if there will be a review of how the 20mph signage has been working ?

Have there been any speed watches since the mass implementation? To see how many are complying with it ?

I want to bring this up, as today for 3rd time since the new speed limits have come in I have been overtaken within charlbury whilst I was doing the speed limit .

It's all well and good having signage up, but if no one is enforcing it, it makes it rather redundant?

I also if there will be any council meetings or other types of meetings where this subject might be discussed ? 

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