Hi Mods Email disabled in my account? What is happening?

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Fri 17 Nov 2023, 14:17

Thank you Richard. All is now revealed - apart from my lack of mindfulness to notify mods of the expunging of a 30 year old email address from the bitosphere you can blame an immense Chixculub level impact event of spammers and junk mailers and lard-arsed honky yank conspiracy suckers egged on by no doubt Russian socialmeeja manipulators rah-rah-rah'ing for Trumtler in '24.

The world is a depressing place.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 2

Fri 17 Nov 2023, 12:51

What it actually says is:

“Email delivery is disabled for your account, so you won’t receive an email notification if you get a reply - please check your mailbox here regularly.”

This is because whenever the website tries to send you an email at your registered email address, it bounces back. Consequently I’ve had to disable sending you these emails.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 17 Nov 2023, 12:43

Indeed just seen that  from you and replied to the reply ... most odd bit of text from the website dialogue box <fx wrinkles brow bemusedly>

Rachel Ramsay

Fri 17 Nov 2023, 12:14

I got your message and have replied 👍🏻 

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 17 Nov 2023, 12:11

I just went to send a "system" email to the person advertising an item on the Adverts page and I got a strange line above the text box where the communication is to be typed out.

It said something like: email is disabled in this account , you might not receive replies - or something like that.

Is anything happening to Charlbury Info mail system and what could have caused this?

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