PipexUK Home Broadband in Charlbury

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 29 May 2010, 11:22

I meant:
Since switching from AirPort to Ethernet to reach the ZyXEL router, problems have ended and the router works a treat.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 29 May 2010, 10:10

Since switching from AirPort to Ethernet to reach the ZyXEL modem, problems have ended and the router works a treat.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 28 May 2010, 17:56

Doh. Obviously not a cabvle (sic) modem if its adsl!

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 28 May 2010, 17:44

Jon's ZyXEL router issue with the Phone Coop directly compares to my problems with a ZyXEL adsl cabvble modem/router. I changed to a cheap as chips Dynamode and haven't had a problem since apart from the incident a few months back where a backbone cable went down in Manchester chopping off all connections to this area of the country. I'll have a dig through the pile and see if I have a "not zyxel" cable modem you could try out if you are interested.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 28 May 2010, 10:48

Phone Coop at 10.45am
Down 6896 Kbps
Up 806 Kbps

Colin Critch
(site admin)

Thu 27 May 2010, 10:10

Zen Internet
Down 6144 Kbps
Up 620 Kbps

John Kearsey

Wed 12 May 2010, 19:10

I finally gave up on AOL, having been a customer for 13 years or so. Now with BT and getting 6 meg!

Birgit den Outer

Wed 12 May 2010, 18:53

No need to rub it in. I just spent an hour on the phone to BT to solve my no dialling tone phone problem (faulty 'base station' apparently), just sitting in the queue. Got to speak to two people, the first one gave me another number, the second, whom I told, very politely, that I was now a very frustrated customer, put the phone down on me!!!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 12 May 2010, 15:09

Yes they should, Brigit. I imagine that what the Phone Coop told you was repeated in good faith, from something BT or BT Openreach (?) told them. Time to chase them again? I've just checked my (Phone Coop) download speed at work, 3.05pm, and it's 6.8Mb. Good eh? And I don't lose my internet connection even once a month during working hours.

Birgit den Outer

Wed 12 May 2010, 14:56

Good point, John, an obvious conclusion. But our relationship is with our ISPs, we pay them for our connections, so if these are not working, does the ISP then not need to act on our behalf?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 11 May 2010, 22:36

I have Phone Coop at home and at work (barely 50 yards apart). The connection at work (via a Netgear router which stays on for months on end) is impeccable. The connection at home (via a ZyXEL router) can be patchy, but is invariably solved by restarting the router. When I first read this thread in the forum last Sunday morning, a speed test showed my download speed as 4.4Mb, and a few minutes ago (10.20pm on Tuesday) it was the same.

Don't all ISPs use the same cabling between home/work and the exchange? The differences at street level have to be down to something other than which ISP you use. Or have I missed something?

Reg James

Tue 11 May 2010, 21:23

If it helps, I have recently had a noisy telephone line fixed by BT. Although they refused to believe it was their problem (their test does not detect noise on the line!)It turned out that the problem was where the underground cable connected to other cables at the base of the pole because the underground cable in Crawborough is made of aluminium which was cheaper than copper at the time.

Harriet Baldwin

Tue 11 May 2010, 11:35

We have Phone Coop too, and yes, it's been dreadful for weeks. It's intermittent - it can be fine for hours and then will suddenly become really slow.

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 10 May 2010, 22:17

That's strange Birget, We've got Phone Coop adsl as well and just around the corner from you. No troubles at all and like Andrew have just downloaded (via ftp and not 'torrent admittedly) Linux Ubuntu 10.04 server with no trouble at all. But we are only on a 2mb connection tariff. Are you on a higher bandwidth?

Andrew Greenfield

Mon 10 May 2010, 20:28

I have had no problems with my connection (Orange broadband) over this period, and have been able to download a complete linux operating system (699MB) using a bit torrent client, and it took about 14 minutes. I make that a download speed of about 50MB per minute and think it points to the local phone lines not all being bad. I agree I am very close to the Charlbury exchange, about 100 yds at most, but I offer this info and will let you make of it what you can.

John Dora

Sun 9 May 2010, 20:33

I use a small ISP called Abel Internet and have not experienced any problems of late.

I had only one set of connection issues some time ago -over a year - when it was windy. I concluded that BT had some overhead pole/ line where the terminal connections were giving rise to trouble, which I assumed they then fixed. Admittedly this was a strange conclusion as my home is served from an underground line, but there is probably a pole/ overhead line feeding the underground bit

Birgit den Outer

Sun 9 May 2010, 17:32

We're with the Phone co-op and have had problems for several weeks (they blame BT). They told us it would be better from last Thursday onwards but this weekend has been the worst it has even been (very intermittent).

Clive Brooks

Sun 9 May 2010, 12:14

I am with Pipex and have had no internet/email for 10 days, had a letter saying the system was being upgraded and we might experience problems for up to 4 hours.

Rang them on numerous occasions on their 5p a min. technical helpline with the usual helpful and knowledgeable response ! supposed to be back online on Monday 10th May .

john h

Sat 8 May 2010, 20:27

Not to mention AOL, I have speed of 86kbps this evening, thinking of investing in some pidgeons, these would be faster!!,anybody out there on AOL and having trouble( I know you have John)

Claire Barry

Sat 8 May 2010, 19:53

Whilst we don't have Pipex, we have BT, we have been experiencing problems with our internet connection for some weeks. BT informed us that this was because the line was being upgraded. It seems much better, faster, now.

Alex Flynn

Sat 8 May 2010, 07:35

A friend of mine who is with Pipex has had no internet service or calls package service all week and the Pipex (who at first weren't even aware of the problem) have told them it is a problem in the Charlbury area. Can anyone else in Charlbury (who, if this the case would seem likely to be temporarily using friend's internet connection) confirm this?

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