Part-time paid position at Charlbury Lunch Club

WendyMF Clifford

Mon 13 Nov 2023, 10:01

Hi Rachel

Tanya has just let me know you are interested in cooking for us. As she suggested I’m cooking on 29th Nov. If you are able to come down sometime between 9 and 11that morning, I can show you what we do and how we organise things. I think Tanya has explained a lot to you, but if you have any other questions do get in touch. My landline is 01608 811006 - that’s the best number to use/ my mobile signal can be rather erratic. I do hope you are able to join us. Best wishes Wendy Clifford

Rachel Brushfield

Sun 12 Nov 2023, 19:41

Charlbury lunch club - occasional volunteer, detail TBC. I can help out by cooking the occasional lunch. Please message me more info via messaging. Thanks. 

Tanya Stevenson

Fri 10 Nov 2023, 10:27

We are looking for someone to share the role of Lunch Club supervisor for one or two Wednesdays per month from 10.30 to 2pm; liaising with the current supervisor when needed. The position may suit a parent with children at school, or someone recently retired for example.

If you would like to find out more, please ring Tanya: 07871795748 or Wendy: 07900 003109.

In addition to the paid role, we always need more volunteers to help out on occasional Wednesdays (usually one per month) or to help by cooking some of the lunches.

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