Fireworks - my dog is scared

Simon Hogg
👍 4

Sun 12 Nov 2023, 19:54

It's not just pets, what about the wildlife. The tawny owls have probably %^& themselves after tonight's explosions. Terry Wogan always did a wonderful firework broadcast, it was silent except for his commentary.

Alex Flynn
👍 1

Sun 12 Nov 2023, 17:25 (last edited on Sun 12 Nov 2023, 18:52)

Sounds like we’re off again tonight! Seems like the rain stopped it however!

Alex Flynn
👍 1

Thu 9 Nov 2023, 16:00

Could they be powered by C.I. Richard? Canine Intelligence? :)

Hedge Fund
👍 4

Wed 8 Nov 2023, 08:05 (last edited on Wed 8 Nov 2023, 08:07)

Our hedgefund clients are regular contributors to the forum. They are very interested in what’s in/on the newspapers, although they say it’s always crap!! (Donations of newspapers are always welcome)

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 20

Tue 7 Nov 2023, 11:30 (last edited on Tue 7 Nov 2023, 11:38)

To be fair Alan, I do have my doubts about one or two forum contributors. Some of them definitely aren’t real people…

Alan Colgan
👍 19

Tue 7 Nov 2023, 11:09

I think you’ll find that family pets have little knowledge of British law, even less awareness of foreign affairs and have never contributed to the Charlbury Forum.

In their smaller, much simpler world, whenever humans let off fireworks in their earshot, they hear a series of loud bangs. A series of loud bangs that, for the duration and beyond, will terrify them. They don’t know what is causing these loud bangs. Perhaps even worse, they don’t know what is going to happen next. Or how much danger they are in.

Like most Charlbury residents, I’m closely surrounded by other houses. I know that many of these neighbouring households contain family pets. Personally, I would never wish to do anything that might scare those animals, who share the town and surrounding countryside with me. Nor would I wish to upset their loving owners, i.e., my neighbours. I have to live alongside them, every day of the year. Seems obvious. Isn’t it?

People are sharing lots of opinions and information here, but I think it boils down to two questions and, whichever way you’re facing, you can’t avoid these questions.

Do I care enough about my neighbours and their family pets?

Or do I not care?

john h

Tue 7 Nov 2023, 09:33 (last edited on Tue 7 Nov 2023, 16:46)

Contact made!!

Lucy Taylor
👍 13

Tue 7 Nov 2023, 06:17 (last edited on Tue 7 Nov 2023, 06:26)

We aren’t complaining about people using fireworks but the type of these particular fireworks. None of the other fireworks that went off this weekend were a problem. My dog did not even notice the fireworks on Saturday and on Sunday she briefly barked as I forgot to turn on music but was fine when I turned on music that was not even at a high volume. However, the fireworks on Friday night were extremely loud - they echoed and banged through my house and the sticks that have come down from these fireworks were huge and could have done serious damage if they hit someone. I had music on so loud my ears were hurting to try and drown out the sound of these fireworks but you could still hear them and my dog was terrified (unlike the rest of the weekend…!) This is not just due to my proximity to them as other residents living further away also complained about these fireworks. They were totally inappropriate fireworks for a residential area with small gardens that is also near horses and wildlife. These type of fireworks should be banned except in organised displays for the effect they have on animals and vulnerable people, and ideally these extremely loud ones should be banned altogether. There is no need to be deafened.

Justin Francis
👍 9

Mon 6 Nov 2023, 12:25 (last edited on Mon 6 Nov 2023, 12:26)

The setting off of fireworks in a private setting is perfectly legal until 11pm (midnight on Nov 5th and 1am on NYE, Diwali and CNY), so starting a thread at 19:40 on the weekend of Bonfire Night is seems pretty unacceptable. They’re not doing anything wrong, assuming the fireworks aren’t category F4. Not everybody wants to go to a large public display, bonfires and fireworks at a party at private residence are much more enjoyable.

stephen cavell
👍 3

Mon 6 Nov 2023, 08:27

And whizzers tied to paper aeroplanes let off in the playground. What ever happened to jumping jacks. Those were the days!!

Rod Evans

Sun 5 Nov 2023, 14:52

Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night is actually tonight.  And you may not have seen it but there's a large bonfire and I assume party due to take place on the field next to Water Lane/Spelsbury Road.

No bonfire last night.  Attendance - from a few hundred yards away (thanks, great show!)- I'd guess was 800+?  Population of Charlbury just short of 3000 at last count.  Enough said.  Except thankfully the 1960s school speech day sound system has at last disappeared!

Claire and others are quite right (where did you live Claire??!) about it having got better.  When 'I were a lad' lots of people had bonfire parties and it was easy to get hold of fireworks, with mischievous boys letting off bangers anywhere and everywhere and dropping Jumping Jacks behind the girls...  And the fire brigades and A&E depts were kept very busy.

Claire Wilding
👍 5

Sun 5 Nov 2023, 12:59

When I was a kid we would shut the cat in on fireworks night in case people tied fireworks to its tail. And as a student I remember blocking up the letterbox over the Halloween/bonfire period in case people put fireworks through the letterbox. So times have changed, and banning sale of fireworks to kids was a good move. 

Nicolette lethbridge
👍 2

Sun 5 Nov 2023, 08:30

Rachel. It is a brave person who tries to reason with a person with explosive and I don't know why there are laws about people owning guns but not fireworks. However people were more irresponsible in the past so things are getting better . Perhaps you should reread your last sentence with which I agree.

Mark Sulik
👍 1

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 15:22

The overview of methods of manufacturing and compliance, the general view is that they are quieter as a current product. As per Google 

Alan Cobb
👍 2

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 12:33

I don't think it is as bad as it was 40 years ago.  Fireworks seemed to start then at least 2 weeks before bonfire night and my cat at the time spent the two weeks hiding in the bottom of the wardrobe.  Only seems to have started 1 week beforehand this year.  That current cat hasn't gone out all week has more to do with the rain than the bangs, though!

Jackie Hague
👍 12

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 12:19

It's not just dogs that may be scared by fireworks. People suffering with PTSD or dementia can be very alarmed by loud bangs outside their homes. Also, there are horses and sheep grazing locally that can be easily spooked by the loud bangs. There really is no excuse for buying the loudest fireworks when silent fireworks are available that provide glorious displays.  

Harriet Baldwin
👍 3

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 11:15 (last edited on Sat 4 Nov 2023, 11:16)

All 3 of my rescue cats actually like fireworks and go to sit on the windowsill to see if they can see them......

Don't assume all animals hate them. And you are advised by charities to start using pheromone diffusers etc a week in advance of bonfire night, at least partially because people do let them off early.

Lesley Algar
👍 8

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 11:11

"...unless they have become louder..." 

Exactly our point, Mark. Last nights fireworks were obviously loud enough to upset pets and other residents otherwise we wouldn't be on this thread. 

I'm sure many other people's pets were safe indoors too but that doesn't stop them from hearing the noise. 

Mark Sulik
👍 8

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 10:23

Haven’t fireworks been enjoyed for many years and organised displays arranged locally always about the same time of year ? New Year’s Eve is celebrated with fireworks.So really , unless they have become louder the problem has always existed. Our cat is locked away , as he is not a fan of the noise. In essence, what has changed , if anything the use of fireworks has diminished over many years.

Liz Leffman
👍 15

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 10:05 (last edited on Sat 4 Nov 2023, 10:05)

A motion passed at a meeting of the full Council  (October 2020) laid down a series of resolutions which councillors will urge Witney MP Robert Courts to address nationally while working with parish councils to implement at a local level.

The resolutions were:

To ask for all public firework displays in West Oxfordshire to be advertised in advance, allowing residents to take precautions for their animals and vulnerable people

To actively promote a public awareness campaign about the impact of fireworks on animal welfare and vulnerable people – including the precautions that can be taken to mitigate risks

To write to Witney MP Robert Courts to push for the introduction of legislation to limit the environmental impact and maximum noise level of fireworks to 90dB for those sold to the public for private displays

To encourage local suppliers of fireworks to stock climate-friendly and ‘quieter’ fireworks for public display

Cllr Norman MacRae, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “In recent years fireworks seem to be used to mark a wide variety of celebrations, not just Bonfire Night.

“While they can be a fantastic spectacle, they can cause distress to vulnerable residents, pets and wildlife and we have a duty to protect them and the environment as a whole. Hopefully these measures will allow residents to enjoy fireworks responsibly and safely.”

Lesley Algar
👍 14

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 09:23

Rachel -  well add me to the handful of whiners please. My dog was also extremely upset by the firework "display" last night. It sounded like it was just outside my house too but I found out it was over near Ticknell Piece. The fireworks weren't just pretty colours - they were all bangers and kept going off every 10-15 mins. Whoever was letting them off had no concern for anyone else. 

Barny - I can hold both my heartbreak for Gaza and concern over obnoxious fireworks and how they are affecting animals/children at the same time. Who would have thought it? 

Lucy Taylor
👍 5

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 09:18

Here are a few links for you to educate yourself on the impact of PTSD and fireworks.

John Dora
👍 11

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 09:17

They were really quite loud and I'm not in Ticknell.

Lucy Taylor
👍 6

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 09:08

Rachel - so you want me to leave my terrified dog on her own while I try to figure out who is setting off fireworks and then try to get their attention? Really? 

Rachel Ramsay
👍 16

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 08:17 (last edited on Sat 4 Nov 2023, 08:20)

If the fireworks were being let off “right outside your door”, why didn’t you go and politely ask the person letting them off to stop instead of whining on here about it?

Honestly some of the posts on this forum are unreal. Donating to charity instead of letting the fireworks off? Triggering people? Environmental impact? To say nothing of the foul language someone thought it acceptable to address to a fellow Charlbury resident. What a bunch of miserable killjoys. We’ve had fireworks at this time of year for goodness knows how long and to most people it’s a joy to have them lighting up these dark nights. Personally they remind me of the excitement of Bonfire night as a child and I loved seeing the ones last night. 

The handful of people complaining would do well to remember that the world doesn’t revolve around them.

Lucy Taylor
👍 8

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 06:22 (last edited on Sat 4 Nov 2023, 06:22)

Barny - have you considered what effect extremely loud fireworks going off without notice would do to someone who has lived under siege in Ukraine or Gaza? Even if you know it’s fireworks night, that will not be your first thought. Fireworks can be triggering for people who have lived in war zones. Organised displays help prevent that as people know when and where they will go off. 

Lucy Taylor
👍 11

Sat 4 Nov 2023, 05:59 (last edited on Sat 4 Nov 2023, 06:18)

George - my dog is just under 2. I played her fireworks sounds as a puppy. I did prep but we have never had them right outside our door. It’s always been in the distance or one or two close ones before.. I was blasting music at full volume but even that was not loud enough as they were going off right above my house. Even in a display you would not be that close. We are not talking about one or two fireworks either which is fair enough but someone put on their own display right outside our door and they kept going off at random intervals. It was so loud my poor dog went from initially being excited and barking because it something new and different to absolutely terrified and it just kept going. My dog was not scared of fireworks until last night but thanks to whoever did that she probably will be scared for the rest of her life. If I had known someone was going to do that, I would have left Charlbury for the night as it’s just not fair on my dog. She does not understand what it is.

I am not against fireworks but I wish people would think about the effect they have and attend organised displays. The point about organised is displays are the fireworks are much better and because they are advertised in advance people who wish to avoid them can because they know when and where they will be and that does not just mean dogs - it will also include people who have lived in war zones as it’s a known fact fireworks can trigger people who have lived through trauma so whoever did this probably not only scared  animals but also some of our residents. Then there’s the environmental impact and the increase burden on the NHS from all the home fireworks that go wrong. Just go to a display - there are plenty around here and it’s a lot cheaper than buying them all yourself. 

George Caswell
👍 1

Fri 3 Nov 2023, 22:31

Christopher Ederson????? Keith Lard in disguise??

Barny Sear
👍 10

Fri 3 Nov 2023, 22:12

World in turmoil likes of Gaza and Ukraine and 20mins of bangs around the 5th of November (bonfire Night) and the world is ending!

George Caswell
👍 11

Fri 3 Nov 2023, 22:07

Strange to think there might be fireworks going off over the weekend of the 5th? I would think pet owners might prepare? 

Wendy Bailey
👍 3

Fri 3 Nov 2023, 20:45

Perhaps the person responsible for the fireworks, could consider donating their firework money to charity instead of causing health issues to animals.? 

Cheryl Hanrahan
👍 4

Fri 3 Nov 2023, 20:04

Christopher took the words right out of my mouth! I don't think I've heard any as loud and as obnoxious my whole life. Completely unnecessary. 

christopher edeson
👍 11

Fri 3 Nov 2023, 19:49 (last edited on Sat 4 Nov 2023, 10:47)

If the person setting them off reads this. You’re a 🦆ing 🏦er 

shaun trodd
👍 8

Fri 3 Nov 2023, 19:48 (last edited on Fri 3 Nov 2023, 20:26)

In case the person letting off the fireworks in Ticknell Piece Road reads this, please be aware my dogs are on the verge of a heart attack! Yes, I’m that moany person that hates this tradition.

Lucy Taylor
👍 5

Fri 3 Nov 2023, 19:40

Please can whoever is letting off fireworks near Ticknell Piece please stop. You are scaring my dog. Go to a licensed display rather than letting them off at home. We didn’t have this problem last year.

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