Election Hustings

Amanda Epps

Mon 17 May 2010, 15:03

Mark, I said nothing about canvassing. My point was that DC has attended hustings in Witney, Woodstock and Charlbury in 2001 and 2005. There were 28 evenings in the camapaign and 3 evenings out of 28 is not 25% and there were mornings and evenings for campaigning as well. Surely he has some obligation to those he represents.

Mark Purcell

Fri 30 Apr 2010, 22:51

If we are the fifth largest town in the constituency, that would mean that David Cameron would have to spend five evenings canvassing in an otherwise safe Tory seat to safisfy this demand to hold hustings - i.e. 25% of the evenings in the whole election campaign. Call me naive, but in the circumstances when he is the Leader of the Opposition and an aspiring PM in the closest-fought General Election in years, I'm hardly surprised that he won't be doing that. Those who support him will understand, and those who don't will criticise him whatever he does.

Amanda Epps

Tue 27 Apr 2010, 11:51

Dave, the reason a hustings hasn't been arranged here I understand, is that David Cameron would not be present. In Woodstock they have decided to go ahead without him (tonight at 7.30 in the Town Hall) but have a Tory "representative". I just feel that if he wishes to be our MP, he could at least spare us one evening in a four week campaign. All his attention seems to be on Witney but we are the fifth largest town in the constituency and he did make a big thing of the "great ignored" when he launched his campaign.

Dave Oates

Mon 26 Apr 2010, 10:25

I am not sure that "Cameron has only agreed to attend the Witney Hustings"is a fair comment - surely there are 4 other attendees in Witney and the issue is that no-one has organised one in Charlbury. But then, as it appears this election is being run on sound bites and US-style media assaults, I guess one more won't make a difference!

Amanda Epps

Wed 21 Apr 2010, 16:09

I understand that Cameron has only agreed to attend the Witney Hustings which is very disappointing as I have been part of the large attendance at the Charlbury Hustings at the last three general elections. I guess we Charlburians are part of his "great ignored"!

Gareth Miller

Tue 20 Apr 2010, 17:06

There is to be one in Witney Methodist Church, High Street, on Friday 30 April at 7.30. Labour, Lib Dem, Conservative, Green and UKIP candidates have been invited. I am not sure if there is to be one more locally, but I will post this under Events to give it more publicity. Those wishing to attend are advised to get there in good time.

Liz Reason

Mon 19 Apr 2010, 09:05

I know that Malcolm is not proposing to organise anything this year.

Amanda Epps

Sun 18 Apr 2010, 15:08

Traditionally the Churches Together host a General Election Hustings. Does anyone know if there is going to be one this time and if not why not?

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