Planning application for Land north of Woodstock Road, Charl

Miles Walkden
👍 1

Sun 24 Sep 2023, 21:59

Do we think that the proposed number of smaller houses included will actually happen? Haven't there been instances in the past where the larger ones get built and the builder pays a fine or donates money not to build the promised small ones? 

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Sat 23 Sep 2023, 22:04

Helen. Rumoured to have not asked Thames Water to agree and supply water to the site! Oops. I have no idea if this is true, but what a wonderfully laughable story. Perhaps someone might be able to tell us more.

Helen Chapman
👍 3

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 19:47

On a slight tangent - what is happening with the development near the police house? It’s been stalled for months.

Hans Eriksson
👍 2

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 17:36 (last edited on Fri 22 Sep 2023, 17:46)

Thanks Richard. It is interesting to note then that IF the developer is right it in effect means that major developments that were meant to happen in say Witney and near Eynsham that have now been postponed or cancelled opens up the opportunity for development in places such as Charlbury that were meant to have all its housing needs fulfilled within the time of the WODC local plan. Sorry I can't see the logic in that. Note that I am in no way against the development in principle. There was also a proposed development in the field NE of this in 2018 18/02769/FUL. This was refused by WODC as it did not conform to the local plan (admittedly for a very different development with three large houses).

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 16:33 (last edited on Fri 22 Sep 2023, 16:45)

Hans – West Oxfordshire is currently behind on its housing targets, I think largely due to delays on the big new estates which the Local Plan relies on. Technically this means they can’t currently demonstrate a “five-year housing supply” so developers are free to apply outside the Local Plan limits. The Planning Statement for this application explicitly refers to this (7.29–7.33).

I agree that this looks pretty good all round, and one of the most obvious locations for it.

Katie Ewer
👍 2

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 16:25

I also think this looks pretty good. It seems to have a good mixture of what Charlbury needs in terms of sizes of properties and division of ownership. EV points and cycle parking included. The design and access statement shows the proposed layout and types of properties.

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 16:08

I am sure some people are very much for this development and others might be against it. It will be interesting to see how it pans out, given that (as I understand it) the current WODC local plan sets a ceiling to the number of new houses in Charlbury, which was to be reached with the Police Houses development on Hixet wood and the Rushy bank development, except for small developments on infill sites which I don't think this is (after Mr Ricketts intervention). Somebody will probably attempt to correct me though. 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 15:51

As always, the ‘Design & Access Statement’ (under Documents) is the best overall summary of the scheme.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 14:53 (last edited on Fri 22 Sep 2023, 14:59)

On a cursory look (eye playing up for close vision again darnit)| I couldn't find a simple site map of the development. I also thought that the available land had already been used up - there seems to have been a lot of construction off the Woodstock Road some months ago. This extra development must have passed below my (somewhat innattentive) radar.

How big are the houses? We've in the last couple of years been lackadaisically looking at some modern places for BOM&D assistance to our eldest and have been shocked by the sizes of the rooms. And that was even pre-warned that the UK has the smallest legal room sizes of ANY "First World" nation-state, it was still alarming. And I was brought up as poor as it was possible, or nearly, in this country and so not used to expansive views over to the hanging oil paintings in the distance...

If the standards are too low for occupancy to be good quality for our Town's children where their use of the BOM&D isn't possible, can we collectively place any pressure upon the development for liveable and decent space AND high standards of INSULATION AND HEATING. Again the UK has the lowest standards of all. Plus a Zero-Energy house doesn't require heating - or cooling looking to the looming future threat - much at all. In the final balance high standards now (above the contemptible and execrable existing building regulations etc) will be much cheaper and easier to afford for residents and investors ad infinitum. How can we exert pressure upon standards?

Miles Walkden
👍 2

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 12:54

Looks pretty good at first glance. 

Lesley Algar
👍 1

Fri 22 Sep 2023, 09:07

Link to the planning application.

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