Dog poo on Nine Acres

Steve Jones
👍 5

Wed 13 Sep 2023, 18:32

I should add that I am astonished by the number of dog owners who ignore the "no dogs" notices on the Playing Close.

Helen Josephine Wright
👍 4

Wed 13 Sep 2023, 15:24

As a responsible owner I do get cross when I find dog mess left.  Often I’ve noticed handlers on their phones & not watching their dogs.  This is an age old issue in this country, I was dog warden in 1980’s checking Licenses, then they were abolished, now microchips legally required.  However, still so many dogs are non-compliant.  We have large fines both for litter & dog mess, however, fines are rare, maybe some way of video surveillance is the answer to assist in locating the culprits!

Andy Godfrey
👍 1

Sun 10 Sep 2023, 06:55

Well said Damian.

Damian Gannon
👍 23

Sat 9 Sep 2023, 12:00

Hello Everyone. I rarely walk my dogs on Nine Acres. It is usually a tapestry of litter and vandalism. Litter, discarded , broken glass and depleted’ vapes’ only last week on a short cut home; prophylactic and sanitary products. Simply said, I cleared them up. Made me feel a bit ill. Did it anyway.

It may be the case that this is a Human problem , rather than a Canine intention. After all, aren’t we able to clean up after ourselves?

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 2

Sat 9 Sep 2023, 11:12

In the USA some communities and housing developments have a registration scheme and dog licences - AND DNA testing of any "deposits" left around. 

Its the DNA registration, identification, and some pretty tough penalties for miscreants that have in many areas, so it seems, been effective at diminishing the number of offences of this, er, execrable practice...

Now local ordnances and by-laws can have sharper teeth and local authorities more independence there than here, but something along the lines may be possible? I've always thought dog licence or some sort of registration is probably a good idea.

Liz Drake

Sat 9 Sep 2023, 07:17

Ps yesterday while dog walking we found a human poo complete with paper in the path next to the stream at the bottom of sanford lane (between Slade and Dancers Hill)...

Liz Drake
👍 4

Sat 9 Sep 2023, 07:14

As a newbie dog owner I understand the strength of feeling on both sides. Its very clear to us as locals that our dog must be on a lead and as responsible owners we adhere to 'poop and scoop.' Our daughter also plays football and all pitches and 9 acres should be clear. But I would not want the actions of a few to prevent us being able to watch her play or pick her up with a dog in tow. More signs may help (am not even sure its possible to enforce a fine system with funds going to community centre for example) ...but you can take a horse to water but you cant make it drink or: you can be a responsible dog owner but not everyone poops and scoops. Would be nice to find to find a reasonable solution that works for all.

Lesley Algar
👍 10

Fri 8 Sep 2023, 21:57

Most dog owners like myself clear up after their dogs it is just the few who ruin it for everyone. The same could be said of all the litter everywhere. Do we stop people walking through Nine Acres in case they drop litter.

Catherine Kimmance
👍 1

Fri 8 Sep 2023, 17:58

More signs needed- and noticeable ones at every entry point.  People shouldn’t let their dogs go too close to the children’s play area anyway. There’s always an excuse. There are other places to walk but maybe there are older people or people with limited mobility for whom that would make dog walking more difficult? 

Judith Haynes
👍 5

Fri 8 Sep 2023, 17:33

I know this has been discussed before but the problem hasn’t gone away.  In fact it’s been worse recently. There are no 100% guaranteed solutions but there’s no harm in trying. I will suggest it to the Town Council again. I rarely see dogs on the Playing Close actually. At least if there are signs up you can point them out to people. I often tell people to put their dogs on leads on Nine Acres, with varying degrees of success, admittedly. Most people seemed surprised! 

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Fri 8 Sep 2023, 15:56

And here we go again. Yawn. Everybody knows my views on this, but to offer a practical, 100% guaranteed-success solution was far too radical for Charlbury.

patricia winstanley
👍 3

Fri 8 Sep 2023, 15:19 (last edited on Fri 8 Sep 2023, 15:20)

Well, ;do what you can....There are notices  around The Playing Close banning dogs which are totally ignored,   well claims of not being seen.   I find the thought of residents and particularly our schoolchildren taking it home on shoes or worse clothes quite abhorrent and so if I become aware of gifts I raid my depleting cache of plastic bags and deal with it.

Gareth Epps
👍 5

Fri 8 Sep 2023, 14:30

Quite disgusting and indeed, if dog excrement is left on sports pitches, banning dogs will need to be considered.

Judith Haynes
👍 6

Fri 8 Sep 2023, 13:46

There have been a number of dog poo deposits on Nine Acres playing fields recently, which I find disgusting. Is it time to ban dogs from Nine Acres? There are plenty of other places people can walk their dogs around Charlbury. With the football season starting it is unreasonable for people to have to inspect the pitches before playing, just to make sure no one falls in dog excrement. 

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