Local Grief Support Group - starting early October

Jess Goyder

Fri 25 Aug 2023, 17:18 (last edited on Sun 27 Aug 2023, 14:44)

I'm a certified Grief Recovery Specialist and have thought about running something locally for a while. I've had some expressions of interest, and with more will start a 2 month Grief Support Group in Charlbury. 

I'm proposing to meet weekly from Weds 11th Oct - 29th Nov 

7.15 - 9.30pm 

At Friends Meeting House, Market St, Charlbury

As well as bereavement, this group will be relevant for other significant losses and life events, such as divorce, heartbreak, pet loss, workplace change and chronic illness. It's also fine if you're simply curious to experience the evidence-based methodology I work with. 

Unlike other support groups, this programme guides you through an active approach to living with grief and loss. There will be reading and small pieces of work to complete each week, and I'll be available for individual support between meetings.

Cost £380 - there are partial bursary places - please don't let the fee get in the way. Numbers will be strictly limited and the group carefully curated.

Contact me to find out more. Happy to provide signposting to other relevant help:

Tel: 07787574598

email: jess@jessgoyder.com

More info here: griefisnatural.com

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