Volunteer cooks needed at Charlbury Lunch Club

Tanya Stevenson

Sun 20 Aug 2023, 14:49

Charlbury Lunch Club offers a hot home cooked meal for about 12-14 people each Wednesday. We have a rota of cooks so each person only does it every 4 or 5 weeks. But we have recently lost one or two, so would greatly appreciate another volunteer cook. Is there anyone out there, maybe recently retired or not working on a Wednesday, who would be willing to join our team? It's a very worthy cause and a lovely atmosphere, the people are great. You buy the ingredients yourself (and are re-imbursed of course) and cook the food in the memorial hall kitchen. Full training is provided, and you would need to do a Food Hygiene course, which takes a couple of hours online.

If you can help please contact Tanya Stevenson 07871 795748 or Wendy Clifford 07900 003109, or reply to this message and I will get the email. Thank you!

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