Oh dear! What about the Rosie et al?

Gareth Epps
👍 4

Mon 21 Aug 2023, 19:56

It’s a very good piece.  (I know or have met most of those involved)

There are two things going on here.  First, lots of pressure on businesses with fine margins that are particularly affected by energy costs; secondly, rapidly shrinking disposable incomes for many people, not a problem likely to go away soon, sadly.

We are genuinely lucky to have had the Rosie dispensing cask ale in top condition for so long now.  There is plenty of poor quality cask ale around - just see people’s reaction to CAMRA’s pronouncement that Greene King Abbot is the second best beer in the country.  How many drinkers have been put off cask for life by a pint of Greene King vinegar, kept badly?  Craft beer in keg isn’t susceptible to that.  Most of the best beer in the UK, as well as the worst, is available on both keg and cask.

Matt Bullock
👍 16

Sat 19 Aug 2023, 21:27

The trouble with “craft beer” (ie modern keg) is that too many people were brewing too many average and poor beers. Everyone jumped on the craft bandwagon- including the multi nationals- and the market became saturated. A huge number have since closed and most of the multinationals have pulled out. Thankfully the excellent Rose and Crown continues to showcase the best of Britain’s unique beer style - cask - which I think will have a resurgence as drinkers realise that so much craft is poor quality and massively overpriced. Long may cask beer and the Rose and Crown continue to thrive!

Charlie M
👍 3

Sat 19 Aug 2023, 19:17

That is a very sad read, Malcolm. I suspect however that the entire life of the Rosie under the management of the Page Family will have required diligent research (either directly or indirectly) into what is available, coupled with knowledge of what beers have become favourites. 

It is work of that nature, I would imagine, that is what has made the Rosie the prestige establishment that it is. And I would suspect that the loyalty of the vast majority of its clientele is second to none. And to this day it is always a delight to see people come in there for the first time, and marvel at the beers on offer!

I suppose it follows that specialist beers have always been liked by those with specialist tastes, who will not settle for what I will refer to as "chemmy" beer, the kind that would require TV advertising to sell it! Specialist knowledge, a specialist market ... and market forces will dictate the behaviour if this industry, as it would any other. I am privileged and honoured to have such a wonderful local.

And finally ... Tom - we miss you. Please be well soon!

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Sat 19 Aug 2023, 18:45

Spotted this article, snipped from the newspaper . Although often too unwell to get out, one of my few pleasures is trying out the different tipples places such as, particularly, the Rosie provide. Does this potent a smaller range of variety? Below full text of the article:

‘It all disappeared

Long post - click to read full text

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