Anyone interested in a Charlbury writers' group?

Sonia Phelps

Tue 22 Aug 2023, 19:52

Thanks so much to those who have got in touch - there was a far larger number of people interested than I imagined, which is very exciting.

I've reached out to most of you by email, though many of your emails to me went to my junk box, so it might be worth checking yours if you haven't heard from me. Heidi, Andrew and Valerie, please do get in touch if you'd like me to include you in our emails (

So far, there are 11 of us, including me and we are looking at holding the meetings on the first Wednesday of every month from 18:30 - 20:00/20:30. We're just finalising the venue now and so I'll be able to confirm with everyone soon.

Looking forward to meeting many of you soon.


Valerie Stewart
👍 4

Sat 19 Aug 2023, 23:02 (last edited on Sun 20 Aug 2023, 10:51)

There was a young man of St Bees

Who was stung on the arm by a wasp;

When asked 'Did it hurt>'

He said 'Yes it does,

I'm so glad it wasn't a hornet.'

(Just my way of asking whether I qualify).

Andrew Webster

Sat 19 Aug 2023, 18:41

I apologise for my tardy response. This is an excellent idea and I would love to be part of such a group. You probably already appreciate that such an endeavour only requires a few members at it's outset... others will join. So count me in.

Heidi Beko
👍 7

Tue 15 Aug 2023, 19:50

In Charlbury's realm, the forum's light does gleam,

A digital canvas where thoughts convene.

From gardens green to tea that's steamed,

Diverse topics bloom in a conversational stream.

With friendly faces, opinions intertwine,

A mosaic of perspectives, a tapestry fine.

From local happenings to tales entwined,

Charlbury's forum, a community's sign.

Gardening tips and book reviews,

Recipes shared, and laughter ensues.

Advice sought, from car repairs to shoes,

In Charlbury's haven, knowledge accrues.

So let your words dance in pixels arrayed,

On the forum's stage, connections are made.

In Charlbury's heart, where ideas cascade,

A virtual gathering, where memories are laid.

Maggie Watts
👍 1

Tue 15 Aug 2023, 17:42

I’d be very interested - sounds like a great idea.

Sonia Phelps
👍 3

Tue 15 Aug 2023, 12:33

Hello all,

I'm thinking of starting a group for anyone who enjoys writing. The idea is to come together once a month to share what we've written and receive constructive feedback on it as well as to discuss relevant topics. Any kind of writing would be welcome and any kind of writers, too (published writers, self-published writers, dabblers like me, etc). 

Depending on where we find to meet, group members may be asked to contribute to the cost of hiring a venue.

If you'd be interested in joining me, please get in touch on 

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