
Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 16 Jan 2010, 14:07

Ed, that someone could be you. Ask Tim Darch Tim.Darch@Oxfordshire.gov.uk in the public transport department and do let us know what he says!


Sat 16 Jan 2010, 12:44

Perhaps someone should ask the county council why it still pays bus companies when they don't run any buses in the snow! No incentive for them to provide a service if they get paid anyway for doing nothing!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 15 Jan 2010, 13:51

Jon, I have asked why RH are not running the bus in Charlbury - and they wont take it out just for Charlbury; the drivers are being used on other routes I think. But I dont see why it couldnt run today as most of the ice on the roads has now melted. However, I must say that Elliott has been very good, and has rung his "regulars" every evening letting them know if the bus will run or not the following day. Where else would this happen?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 15 Jan 2010, 08:29

Susie: are you Charbury C1 users happy with the present situation? The C1 could serve Charlbury, and it could run as far as School Road in Finstock. RH have the bus, they have the driver. And they have the (quite large) subsidy. Why don't they carry their passengers?

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 14 Jan 2010, 23:46

Just to let you all know that Elliott the C1 Rail Bus Driver has rung me to say that the bus will not be running tomorrow (Friday) but hopefully on Monday.

Derek Collett

Thu 14 Jan 2010, 21:52

The same point can be made with respect to the non-gritting of the pavement on Dyers Hill! Someone (be it the Town Council, WODC, OCC, FGW or Network Rail) should surely do this in order to encourage people to use the train and to walk, not drive, to the station. And yet they don't.

Graham Chamberlain

Thu 14 Jan 2010, 18:49

Does this type of prioritising demonstrate any sort of joined-up thinking about encouraging people to use public transport?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 14 Jan 2010, 16:35

When I were a lad on the edge of London, there was a clear priority when it came to snow clearance. They cleared the bus routes first. Now they clear the main roads for motorists, and leave the bus routes. Hence Finstock is still impassable to buses a week and 2 days after the snow fell.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 14 Jan 2010, 13:20

Actually the C1 did try and run today but got stuck in Finstock - so no more buses today.

William Crossley

Thu 14 Jan 2010, 08:32

Have just spoken to RH Buses and the C1, T1 and X8 railbuses are still suspended until further notice. They are monitoring the road conditions regularly and will resume services as soon as they can.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 12 Jan 2010, 19:59

There will still be no C1 Rail Bus tomorrow (Wednesday). Its because of the state of the roads in Leafield and Finstock. Hopefully will be OK on Thursday but will update when I know.

Maggie Findley

Tue 12 Jan 2010, 10:58

I've just spoken to Worth's and they're running buses between Charlbury and Witney and they are running through the Town centre here. (Tuesday)

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 11 Jan 2010, 23:01

Just heard that the C1 Rail Bus will not be running tomorrow (Tuesday).

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 11 Jan 2010, 08:43

RH say the X8 will not run today, Monday. Worths hope to begin their Charlbury-Witney service with a 9.25 from the Slade, but understand the Slade to be blocked at present (8.40am). The main road at Enstone is blocked by a lorry and a Stagecoach bus, so no access to Chippy via Enstone at present.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Sun 10 Jan 2010, 16:05

Just heard from Elliott (C1 Rail Bus Driver) that the C1 will NOT be running tomorrow (Monday). Hopefully will be running Tuesday but I will be told tomorrow. More trudging down to the station!


Sun 10 Jan 2010, 11:33

Taking the train will only take about 45-50 minutes. Assuming you want to get to Banbury in normal work hours, they depart Charlbury at 0835 (arr Banbury 0925), 1008 (arr 1052), 1105 (arr 1155), 1305 (arr 1352), 1505 (1552).

Coming back trains leave Banbury at 1619 (arr Charlbury 1706), 1655 (arr 1752), 1722 (arr 1834)

The return fare is £13.40 on the 0835 train and £7.50 on all the others.

Derek Collett

Sat 9 Jan 2010, 17:14

You should be able to get there by train, changing at Oxford. It would probably take about an hour from Charlbury (weather permitting).

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 9 Jan 2010, 16:38

Worths normally run to Banbury on Thursday and Saturday. See www.worthscoaches.co.uk/timetable.html Why not phone them on Wednesday and ask?

Christine Battersby

Sat 9 Jan 2010, 15:18

I saw a Worth's bus coming from Witney this afternoon. But I'm not sure if they are running as far as Banbury. See News Item.

Louise Ravenscroft

Sat 9 Jan 2010, 14:24

Anyone know if a bus has been seen in Charlbury? Either a 69/71? I need to get to Banbury next week, and can't get car out of road, so hoping to get buses.....

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 7 Jan 2010, 22:58

I have just had a call from Elliott, our friendly C1 Rail bus driver to say that there will be no rail buses to the station and back tomorrow (Friday).

Cathryn Taylor

Thu 7 Jan 2010, 17:58

Thanks for that

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 7 Jan 2010, 17:02

None! See the bus company links under "town" above right.

Cathryn Taylor

Thu 7 Jan 2010, 16:54

Does anyone know what sort of service the buses are running to Witney at the moment?

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