The brilliance of Wilderness.

andrew shaw
👍 2

Sat 19 Aug 2023, 16:24

There is also a varying degree of deafness among those sorts Michael. 

Michael Flanagan
👍 6

Fri 11 Aug 2023, 10:56

I live pretty much next door to Andrew Shaw in Park St  a couple of hundred yards up from North Lodge - and sleep with the windows open. And, while I too wished before bedtime that returning revellers over Wilderness weekend might have kept a bit quieter, they absolutely didn't interfere with my sleep. Any more than St Mary's bells at midnight (which at the top of Park Street are actually noisier than Festival revellers  - but on 365 nights a year) . 

Neither did the Festival itself, which this year was the quietest I've known it or its predecessor in what must now be close to 20 years. 

Which doesn't prove there wasn't any noise. Just that it takes all sorts.

clare shakya
👍 4

Thu 10 Aug 2023, 22:22

Would make a huge difference if they could get signs for local residents access up before Thursday lunch (instead of late Friday) and make sure the stewards send us the right way. 

But otherwise a great event this year!

andrew shaw
👍 10

Wed 9 Aug 2023, 10:19 (last edited on Wed 9 Aug 2023, 10:22)

Well having been woken up in the early hours of last Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings by the revellers coming down from their trip to the Festival and passing through Park Street - "Brilliance of Wilderness", "brilliant", "amazing", "fabulous", "wonderful","epic" were not he first spin expletives that came to my mind at the time......I am  however glad everyone had a good time.

Liz Leffman
👍 7

Wed 9 Aug 2023, 09:22 (last edited on Wed 9 Aug 2023, 09:26)

The lack of trains and the very bad weather meant more cars and taxis than usual. I suspect the organisers han't quite factored in what that meant in terms of traffic flow. They are responsible for the traffic management plan, but they didn't use traffic lights as they have in past years to control the flow, the stewards weren't directing traffic as well as they have done in the past, and they also failed to put out cones to deter parking along Wellington Cottages and Grammar School Hill. I spoke to the licensing officer yesterday about this. There is an events team at WODC which is responsible for reviewing  the festival and also for approving the traffic management plan. I have asked that this is taken into account when they look at the plan for next year's event.

And yes, I think we are incredibly lucky to have this wonderful event on our doorstep!

Gareth Epps
👍 3

Tue 8 Aug 2023, 22:31

There was more traffic this year due to the lack of trains.  Doesn’t excuse the appalling behaviour of taxi drivers.  Hamish Hawk was an unsung hero on Sunday and started to a tiny audience (which thankfully grew - a bit).  More Chemical Brothers and Nick Cope!

christopher edeson
👍 1

Tue 8 Aug 2023, 21:36

Epic weekend! Roll on next year

Christopher Tatton
👍 1

Tue 8 Aug 2023, 20:53

Yes Wilderness was brilliant, but the traffic around North Lodge was worse than ever at times unfortunately. It won’t be gone Craig, Early Bird tickets for 2024 go on sale tomorrow. 

Heidi Beko
👍 2

Tue 8 Aug 2023, 20:40 (last edited on Tue 8 Aug 2023, 20:41)

Quite! A fabulous event. Very happy to put up with the rather garish signage to help overcome traffic and lost souls attending. 

Craig Richards
👍 14

Tue 8 Aug 2023, 18:17

Wilderness was brilliant this year even through the rain. Maybe it's not represented in a positive way enough in this forum, and understandably the traffic problems created are not ideal, but it is amazing to have it on our doorstep and there's a lot of people who would really miss if it were gone.

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