Moving to Charlbury, advice needed.

Freddie Marsh
👍 1

Fri 4 Aug 2023, 23:35

Thank you everyone for your kind words, we are hoping to Exchange in the next 2 weeks and when it is official I will get back to everyone. I have found the Chronicle and it is full of local information, thank you Susie, sadly Michele I think we are too old to start a Brownies unit, Nikki, we will join the Society, it sounds very interesting and I have found it on the Home page, and finally Wendy, thank you for offering your general help and your personal offer of being generous with your personal time. I will be in touch as soon as I can, thank you.

Nikki Rycroft
👍 2

Fri 4 Aug 2023, 15:32

Hi Freddie and welcome to Charlbury.

Have a look at the Charlbury Society section under Community/Social, or we’re currently at the bottom of the Home page....

We’d be very pleased to welcome you as members this autumn.

michele marietta
👍 1

Fri 4 Aug 2023, 11:24

Hi Freddie -- hope to see you soon round town. Charlbury is in desperate need of someone to reopen a Brownies unit! Get in touch if this is of any interest!

All the best for the move!

Susie Finch
(site admin)
👍 1

Fri 4 Aug 2023, 10:42

Freddie we have a 3 monthly newsletter called the Charlbury Chronicle which lists all the organisations you could get involved plus many of these organisations send in an article that you can read. It’s bright yellow in colour so you cannot miss it and gets delivered free of charge to all houses in Charlbury.  If you need any further information please email me on  I know that there are a few organisations crying out for new members!

Wendy Bailey

Thu 3 Aug 2023, 20:17

Please feel free to message me privately via the mail box top right of this page or phone 01608 811970. 

Freddie Marsh
👍 2

Thu 3 Aug 2023, 19:34

We are looking to move permanently to Charlbury from a small village from Gloucestershire. We would love to find out as much information as possible about Charlbury and of the different ways to get involved with the community and to contribute where we can. I would appreciate any advice and suggestions on how you feel we should do this and ideas on where we can find out about village activities, notice boards, events and social clubs.

Thank you all so much.

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