Book "Street Library" exchange loan project...thought

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 2 Nov 2005, 21:30

Calling Colin to program if it needs and information system to manage ;)

People must have heaps of interesting books on their shelves they don't refer to that often. But don't want to just "give away", and would consider loaning out, but not personally handling all the details. And if a list could be drawn up so borrowers/exchangers could just run their eyes down it...


Years ago (ye gad, 30 years ago) we set up a Book Exchange/Street Library in Brighton which worked well for some years until the generation of people who set it up moved out of town and the next lot of students weren't as interested in community level involvment as us lot (children of the 60s - mix of young students, older students, community activists like me, etc).

Trouble with areas with young and very mobile populations is things often fall apart when prime movers err move. Charlbury seems somewhat more static and people probably won't "churn over" every 3 or 4 years!

Thoughts anyone?

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