Happy New Year - Keep Charlbury Tidy

Grahame Ockleston

Fri 8 Jan 2010, 12:18

Lets face it the only reason that receipts turn into litter is that we drop them ! There are sound commercial reasons that retailers issue receipts, not least of which is dispute resolution.
On the subject of carrier bags, the Co-op issue a biodegradable type, take a look at the bin in the shop. Somewhat bizarre ??

Derek Collett

Fri 8 Jan 2010, 11:01

I agree that the Co-op staff have got better in the last year or so with regard to dispensing plastic bags. However, the default option is always to offer you a bag (the staff usually have one open and ready when you get to the till) and you have to forcibly decline it if you have your own bag or just don't need one. I think this is the wrong way round - the bags should be hidden under the tills, out of sight and out of mind, and only brought out if a customer specifically asks for one. It's too easy at the moment just to accept a bag without thinking.

One can decline to receive a receipt. However, note that the receipt is still printed out and then just thrown away (well, recycled I hope!) by the staff. Surely the data could be stored on computer and a receipt only printed if a customer specifically asked for one?

It may seem that I am being very hard on the Co-op. However, they do promote themselves as "the ethical supermarket", constantly trumpeting their Fairtrade produce, etc., and as such I think they deserve to be judged by the highest standards accordingly. At present, they do not seem to be meeting those standards.

Gareth Miller

Wed 6 Jan 2010, 06:18

To be fair, staff in the Co-op always ask me if I want the receipt and a bag. This was not intended as a jibe at the Co-op, who have been fairly helpful in trying to remedy this situation. It was intended to encourage people to take responsibility for their own litter. But I guess those who drop it won't read this!

dave wells

Tue 5 Jan 2010, 18:59

When I remember to take my "eco bag" I simply politely decline the new carrier that is on offer as part of the service. I believe that no Co-op staff member has ever taken offence.

Hamish Nichol

Tue 5 Jan 2010, 11:08

I have found that some of the staff in Co-op will ask whether or not you want a receipt and they are more than happy not to give out plastic bags if you tell them that you don't need a bag.
What surprises me is that the Co-op have a 'bag recycling' bin in front of the tills and then are giving out new bags at the tills. I notice the Co-op bags are made from biodegradable plastic but surely they could be used multiple times by the Co-op?
With regard to Ireland, I believe that they introduced a plastic bag tax/charge of 10c per bag back in 2002(?) - which discouraged people from using them. Though many of the supermarkets offer the packing boxes that they receive for their customer's to reuse.
There are a number of initiatives in this country, such as M&S charging 5p per bag and other cities introducing local rules about issuing carrier bags.
Would the populous of Charlbury embrace such an initiative in our local shops? I'm sure there would be complaints on this forum! But unless there is a financial cost of using carrier bags I don't believe habits will change.

Derek Collett

Mon 4 Jan 2010, 22:37

Wow! In all the time I've been using this forum (more than five years now) I think that is the first negative comment aimed at the Co-op I have ever read. I just assumed they were untouchable, like the church or the Mafia or something.

I agree with Ian and, on the same subject, why do they festoon one with plastic carrier bags, whether one wants them or not? Carrier bags should be hidden under the counter and only brought out if a customer specifically asks for them (this happens in Ireland apparently). Ethical supermarket my foot!

Ian Taylor

Mon 4 Jan 2010, 10:15

Do the Co-op really need to give a receipt out for everything? I've always thought that was a complete waste of paper. I must get an amount of paper each week that is almost (but not quite) as long as the queues.

Gareth Miller

Sun 3 Jan 2010, 10:09

What do you do with your receipts when you leave the Co-op? Or your ticket when you get off the bus? I have just picked up twelve receipts in Brown's Lane and five bus tickets in Church Street (not to mention discarded wrappers, bottles and cans.

PLEASE TAKE YOUR LITTER HOME! Happy New Year! Let's keep Charlbury tidy.

Gareth Miller

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