Help needed with computer....

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 5 Jan 2010, 19:15

Oh, it's not just this forum, the whole Internet's like that.

Dave Oates

Tue 5 Jan 2010, 19:09

Kate you are right - only on this forum could we get from a plea for help to a tirade against Bill Gates. Whatever amyone's views on Microsoft (and having worked in the software industry for many years, I see them as innovative and no more powerful than Oracle, SAP or IBM), there is no doubt that the Bill Gates Foundation has done a huge amount of good. And more importantly, Theresa now has a working computer :-)

Katie Ewer

Mon 4 Jan 2010, 11:15

Malcolm, as someone whose scientific research is funded in large part by grants from the B&MGF I would take issue with your comments. If he hadn't given such a large proportion of his wealth to this cause (whatever you think of how he got it!), then lots of vital research into diseases that kill millions every year would not be done. His donations have also shamed lots of other people into following his lead. Dare I suggest that if you actually did live in a developing country, you might not care how the research that found the malaria vaccine that saved your baby's life was paid for. There, but for the grace of God, go I. What about the billions that is accrued from exloting oil from the developing world? Should none of that money be given to charity either? It's a ridiculous premise to suggest that only money obtained in a morally acceptable way should be used for charitable purposes. Personally I think that exactly the opposite should be true.
Finally, how do you get from a request for computer help to here????

Paul Taylor

Sun 3 Jan 2010, 21:49

I said What sounds like sarcastic comments this was not rude just a observation. This should not have upset any one. Happy New Year.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 3 Jan 2010, 20:39

Thanks for the info Nigel as rather than being sarcastic mine was a genuine query wondering how you solved a windows problem, and Colin's list to check through was very good as a starting point and sound and comprehensive advice, which is how the comment was meant to be interpreted.

I don't use windows much at all anymore and haven't had to deal with a windows problem for years when I think about it so found the instruction and tips very useful indeed, especially the free system checking program you mentioned I'd never heard of, filing that away for reference.

My stock snipe at windows in favour of linux is heartfelt and not meant to be taken sarcastically at all - it too is sound advice that would save millions of people a lot of trouble if they abandoned Bill Gates and his "tax Bill" rubbish people pay billions for, resources that could be more usefully spent elsewhere or even here in the UK without monopoly profits being siphoned off to the USA.

And don't even get me started on his ill gotten gains being used for philanthropy via his foundation, as I would dislike using money from a convicted criminal organisation if I were in a developing country. Fortunately I don't have to make the unpleasant choice of using soiled dollar bills for good causes.

[Couple of comments edited out from this and the successive post. I think this still counts as the season of goodwill, doesn't it? --Richard]

Nigel Earley

Sun 3 Jan 2010, 18:05

Blimey, all this interest in Teresa's laptop, there must be more going on in the outside world...

Anyway, if it satisfies your collective curiosity and puts an end to this thread, I will tell what I did.

1)Made sure the firewall and anti-virus were all up-to-date.
2)Ran a virus scan.
3)Updated about forty missing Windows updates.
4)Next, I loaded some very useful free software called Advanced System Care that cleans up Windows by removing spyware, fixing the registry, removing junk files, optimizing the system, checking security, defragging the hard drive and a few other bits and pieces.
5)Next, I limited the number of apps loading on start up.
6)Er ... that’s about it. After this the laptop was fine.

I find these steps will fix most slow-running computers that have adequate disk space and RAM and don’t have any underlying major issues with hardware, software, etc. They are also steps that most users can take that without any in-depth knowledge of computers. But if in doubt, contact a local professional who has the knowledge and experience to help out. And looking at this thread, we are up to gills with them in Charlbury!

Finally, before I get any more requests for help, I work in IT but don’t fix computers for a living as a rule – I was just happy to help Teresa as she is a friend and also gives so much of her own time for the community, so it seemed like a fair shout.



PS No more replies!

Deleted user

Sun 3 Jan 2010, 13:44

Like Malcolm I would also be interested in the reason.

Derek Collett

Sun 3 Jan 2010, 12:57

Don't you think that a more likely reason why people don't use the site, as you put it Paul, is because of people like you who make silly, uninformed comments without reference to the facts and choose to think the worst of people without giving them the benefit of the doubt?

You could probably interpret Malcolm's comment as sarcastic if you wanted to. However, if you really put your mind to it, I'm sure you could interpret the Lord's Prayer sarcastically too! I don't know Malcolm and I'm sure he doesn't need me to fight his battles for him but isn't there at least a possibility that his comment was an innocent and straightforward one, without any sarcastic intent or hidden agenda?

I'm glad to see that the high quality of intellectual debate for which this forum is famed looks as if it will continue in 2010! As Alan Partridge said: "You people...".

Paul Taylor

Sun 3 Jan 2010, 09:51

I think Teresa said Nigel sorted it out but thanked all. What sounds like sarcastic comments from Malcolm is why the site is not used much.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 2 Jan 2010, 21:58

What of Colin's comprehensive list was it?

Teresa Duester

Sat 2 Jan 2010, 16:59

Thank you all for your helpful comments. But Nigel did a great job of sorting it out.

John Bell

Fri 1 Jan 2010, 21:14

In a previous life I must have worked on about 300 issues like this and most of the time with slow computers there are 2 options:
1) Lots of detailed diagnosis
2) Increase the memory
Do you happen to know the amount of memory installed? Almost certainly it will run much more quickly if you add memory which should cost about £50. Good Luck

Colin Critch
(site admin)

Fri 1 Jan 2010, 12:20

Hi Teresa,
It will be one of these things.
1) Running out of space on the c drive
2) An application that has a memory leak
3) The pagefile on the c: drive needs to be larger
4) Some sort of computer virus
5) A defrag is needed on c: (right click the c drive, properties the tool, then defragment)
6) Too many applications loading at start up
7) You could be running Vista

Best way to keep a Windows laptop fast is to install the bare minimum of software ( avoid IE toolbars too ), Keep files in My Documents and not on the desktop, empty the trash bin regularly and make sure there is 2Gig bytes spare on the c drive. Also run AV scan just to check if there is any virus causing a problem, if you need one then these are quite good ( AV and Firewall )
Can you right click on the c: drive in My Computer and see how much free space you have?

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 30 Dec 2009, 23:32

First stop is the dread defragment, on the menu lists somewhere I believe, then a good hard look for any malware installed churning out spam or similar. Change to Linux and all these problems become part of a past bad dream. If Nigel doesn't sort you drop it around to me though I am very out of date with programs for finding windows malware not having used windows for 9 years apart from the occassional very reluctant bootup to run a program for specific hardware for example.

Nigel Earley

Sun 27 Dec 2009, 17:17

Hi Teresa, if it's less two years old it shouldn't take much to sort it out. I'm at home this evening if you want to drop it round and I'll have a look at it. My number is 07973 398210.



Teresa Laughton

Sun 27 Dec 2009, 16:51

Can anybody recommend someone to help sort out a very slow working,Toshiba lap top,requires a overhaul,perhaps...
Less than two years old.

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