Buy your suicide pills now

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 21 Dec 2009, 13:00

This will work if people in other countries do the same thing, and if they succeed in their aims. But I don't see the Chinese government saying "Okay folks, we were wrong, you're right after all" when some students blockade a train. More likely shoot them as terrorists. In this country we don't actually shoot demonstrators, we just beat them up to discourage anyone else from taking part.

I believe on a good day households in the UK recycle around 30% of their waste? But recycling 90% is dead easy. If people cannot take the tiniest and easiest steps to increase the chance of their own survival, not to mention that of their children and grandchildren...

The Co-op still gives out carrier bags, and vast numbers of people still take them. But perhaps they have more nous than I give them credit for: they realise that carrier bags are neither here nor there. Or are they ignorant? Or are they indifferent? Tell me.

As you know, Janet, 30 years ago I was an active campaigner on these issues who believed we had time to change minds, change our politics and economics, and transform/save the world. I was only one of many all over the world. We were blocked and subverted all the way, not least by the Tory, Labour and Liberal parties, as well as by 'big business' that now attempts to subvert the democratic process in unprecedented ways. I was naive then, as it turned out. I'm not so naive now. I hope.

Monday morning over. Time to go to work. Got to earn some money so I can pay my taxes to keep the country at war.

Janet Sly

Mon 21 Dec 2009, 12:29

Try reading this one too from Johann Hari.... it's up to us

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 18 Dec 2009, 18:58

Have a read. Do remember to recycle the pot the pills come in before you take them -- so it can be shipped to Thailand for reprocessing. Now where was that whisky bottle? Thank goodness the distilleries are still working. Cheers!

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