Does Charlbury need a Residents' Association?

Chris Bates

Tue 8 Dec 2009, 09:45

Seems to me that's what a Parish / Town Council is for!

If you don't feel it's active enough for you, you know how to do something to rectify it.....

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 8 Dec 2009, 00:25

Why? Its a perfectly pertinent suggestion and there are plenty of examples of very lively and impactive organisations around the country and don't even mention Europe where they are a mighty force of local political impact!!!

john h

Mon 7 Dec 2009, 23:43

best you stick to selling books Jon

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 7 Dec 2009, 10:14

If you glance down the issues raised on this website, there are some extremely important subjects there.

Children injured as a result of a bus tyre blowout and allegations about the bus driver's behaviour, rubbish piling up at the Spendlove car park, power cuts, speed limits on local roads, vandalism…

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