Has anyone had strange energy meter readings lately?

Hans Eriksson
👍 2

Wed 31 May 2023, 08:32

Write to our MP, I did last year. (The topic was that electricity prices are linked to natural gas prices (called merit order). This is why they went up so much, and I think this is wrong. He answered to say it wasn't his area, but he would bring it up with the right people. About 6 weeks later the then PM said on the today program he wanted to change that.) Also Grant Shapps is aware of the problem and stated that energy companies should avoid building up cash balances using consumer monies. Write to him?

Valerie Stewart
👍 1

Tue 30 May 2023, 23:17

My word, Hans, that strikes a chord ...

They overcharged me by a huge amount and when I raised it with them their complaints manager suggested that I try to claim it from my bank also.  That comes close to a criminal enterprise.  

Since my problems began I've been monitoring their Trustpilot page; there are many mentions of crazy billing and what looks like deliberate difficulty for people who want their money back.  I wonder why some MP or campaigner hasn't yet caught up with them.  I'm sure there would be loads of evidence easily obtainable. 

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Tue 30 May 2023, 16:31

Eon Next decided to put an extra £ 450 on my monthly bill on the 1st Nov 2022 without notifying me they would do that. The £ 450 was totally unjustified - they were just improving their cashflow using my money. I called them up and asked why. They said they didn't know why this happened. OK, refund me. We can't, "it has gone too far in to the system." (I know BS when I come across it). Well I want my money, mate. You can always reclaim it from your bank. Which I did, and I left Eon Next shortly thereafter. You would have thought you could complain to the regulator Ofcom, but no, they don't deal with consumers. I suggest you try to reclaim the monies they owe you from your bank, who won't like doing it, but they will. Be sure of your numbers though. 

Valerie Stewart
👍 3

Tue 30 May 2023, 12:32

Hello Emily,

The police sent a very helpful officer who assured me that I was right to get in touch with them; he said that they wouldn't do anything on the basis of what had already happened, but he gave me a telephone number to ring in case there were any further developments.  I was perfectly satisfied with what he said - didn't expect them to contact the organisation. 

I wrote to the CEO saying that I was very concerned about him; they went all defensive (their Complaints Manager knows more about stalking and harassment than the police) and after that I corresponded with someone else.  I said they were badly supervised - so far I've been emailed by about 20 of their 'energy specialists,' each of whom has dropped it after a couple of exchanges.  It's obviously in their 'too difficult' file.  

I opened this thread in case anyone needed evidence with which to dispute a crazy bill; it's lovely to find such personal concern.  Thank you so much. 

Emily Algar
👍 1

Tue 30 May 2023, 10:50

I am really sorry about the harassment you experienced Valerie, that must have been a really horrible experience. I'm reluctant to ask but did the Police actually do anything?

Valerie Stewart
👍 3

Tue 30 May 2023, 10:24

Fortunately for my bank account I stopped direct debits when I discovered that they had been overcharging me by a factor of three.  The first 'dedicated energy specialist' within the first month sent me two large bunches of flowers (100 daffodils in one delivery); telephoned me on a Saturday afternoon and wouldn't go away; sent emails in the small hours, including threats; and got quite personal.  I called in the police.  

Since then I've tried just about everything I can think of that you so wisely advise; they simply don't respond.  They're bottom of the class in almost every survey.  I've had marginally better service in the old Soviet Union.  Anyone reading this and thinking of signing up with them - don't.  All energy companies are having a rough time, but I've seen research showing a huge gap in customer satisfaction between the top third and the bottom third.  (Also sell your shares). 

Many thanks for your support; I shall always wear it.  

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Tue 30 May 2023, 08:22

Yes I did move to Octopus who has been fine. In as much as they charge exactly as much as any other supplier. I pay monthly by credit card, I have not allowed them access to my bank account. 

I took my complaint with Eon Next to the Energy Ombudsman. Waste of space and time. It was without a shadow of doubt that Eon Next were in breach of trading conditions as stated by Ofgem. EO ruled though that they were not. You cannot complain about their ruling to anyone unless you take them to court. I also tried trading standards - fat luck. You can't contact them directly, you have to go through Citizens Advice. Who blocked my issue without explanation. The whole energy supply issue needs a proper shake up.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Mon 29 May 2023, 19:27 (last edited on Mon 29 May 2023, 19:29)

Valerie, ask to speak to somebody higher up. If that fails, put in a WRITTEN formal complaint stating all the facts, and ask for compensation from them for wasting your valuable time. If that fails you can make a complaint to the Energy Ombudsman. Keep copies of all your correspondence with Eon Next, and a record of the phone calls as evidence.

Once it is sorted, I suggest moving to a different supplier, as Hans also did, using a link that I supplied for Octopus. Octopus, although certainly not perfect, answers their phones and also emails. They have a local office, in Banbury I think.

If you do choose Octopus, ask somebody already with Octopus for a link to become a new subscriber, as using the link gives you £50 and the link supplier also £50. 

Valerie Stewart
👍 1

Mon 29 May 2023, 14:09

Hello Hans,

Many thanks for the advice: I have indeed asked, many times.  Their call centre has been outsourced to South Africa, and the job descriptions have a strong implicit promise of lax supervision, so there doesn't seem to be anyone tasked with making sure that tasks are completed.  And all communications from customers are directed to the same group of agents.  I do wish that I could stay away, but while I'm in dispute with them I can't.  

Hans Eriksson
👍 2

Mon 29 May 2023, 11:09

Ask Eon Next or MDS to supply a photo of the meter reading. Also Eon Next took £ 450 from my bank account on the 1st November 2022 without being authorised by me to do so. I call that theft. Stay away from them.

Valerie Stewart
👍 1

Mon 29 May 2023, 10:59

I have to have my electricity meter read by a meter reader every six months; the electricity company (E.ON Next) employs Morrisons Data Service to do this. Recently they claimed that the meter had been read on April 20th; as I hadn’t admitted a meter reader since August last year, either the meter reader entered my home when I was a few steps away visiting a neighbour, or the meter reader entered the wrong address – the explanation MDS offers.  E.ON Next adamantly refuses to investigate.   If anyone else needs to dispute a meter reading around that date, I’ll happily supply copies of the correspondence with MDS and E.ON Next.  

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