Liz Leffman

Tue 30 May 2023, 16:51

I haven't heard back from OCC yet, so I am going to propose to Jane that she parks at the Spendlove tomorrow and then I will see what can be done next week and beyond.

William Robinson
👍 3

Mon 29 May 2023, 17:25

The Community Centre welcomes new traders. Anyone wishing to rent the trader's space in our car park can contact me through this site or through the Community Centre reception, telephone 811878.

Jim Holah
👍 1

Mon 29 May 2023, 13:29

To clarify, the area on which food retailers park up is in the Community Centre carpark, by arrangement with the CCC.  WODC have no street trading licenses in Charlbury, which is why this arrangement developed.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 3

Mon 29 May 2023, 13:15 (last edited on Mon 29 May 2023, 13:17)

It’s good to have retail in the historic town centre. It helps the other shops and pubs to have people coming into the centre. I hope the parking wardens agree. 

Amanda Epps
👍 1

Mon 29 May 2023, 12:21

Liz, I have been wondering recently why the fish van was allowed to park at the Market Street location when there was the Spendlove Car Park site used by other retailers.  This seems much more convenient for  everyone with adjacent parking.

Liz Leffman
👍 2

Mon 29 May 2023, 09:55 (last edited on Mon 29 May 2023, 09:58)

Thank you, Rachel.  Jane wrote to the town council on Thursday because a parking enforcement officer told her she could not stay outside the Rose and Crown in future, as the van was on a yellow line.  Lisa passed this on to me.   I have written to the officer responsible for parking enforcement to ask him to review this.  Officers are taking a "light touch" approach to parking on Dyers Hill and Church Lane and I have asked for the same approach to be taken regarding Jane's van.  So it may be that she won't have to move to the Spendlove, but I will only know that after the bank holiday. I will let people know via this thread when I know more.

Rachel Brushfield

Mon 29 May 2023, 06:12

*** Please note new location for the fish van on Wednesdays. Jane is longer allowed to park near the Rose and Crown, so change of location. ***

Please pre-order by texting or e mailing Jane Fisher and have delivery to your home or collect it from the fish van.

M 07811 254325

E mail

Collect from Jane Fisher at her Grimsby fish van either:

a) The bus stop by Fiveways junction near the allotments 5.30-6pm Tuesday 30 May


b) In the Spendlove Car park near the Coop, where the fish and chip van parks, 2-3pm Wednesday 31 May 2023.

The range varies week to week – subject to availability.


• Anchovy fillets

• Brill

• Cockles

• Cod

• Cod cheeks

• Dover sole

• Dressed crab

• Fish pie mix

• Grey bream

• Halibut

• Hake

• Haddock

• Kipper fillets

• Kippers – whole

• Lobster

• Monk fish

• Mussels

• Octopus

• Oysters

• Plaice

• Prawns – raw

• Prawns – frozen

• Rollmops (pickled herrings)

• Trout fillets

• Trout – whole

• Tuna

• Salmon (farmed)

• Salmon – cold sliced

• Samphire

• Sea bass

• Sea bream - fillets

• Sea bream – whole

• Sardines – fillets

• Sardines – whole

• Scallops

• Skate

• Smoked haddock

• Smoked mackerel

• Smoked salmon fillets

• Squid

• Sword fish

• Turbot – whole

• White crab meat

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