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glena chadwick

Thu 10 Dec 2009, 13:18

Just to say that I have contacted WODC (again !!) and the container for cardboard which has a broken lid will be replaced next week. On inspection it looks as if it has wrenched off its hinges with some force---vandalism ??

Derek Collett

Mon 7 Dec 2009, 10:35

The fact that the council department responsible for this shambles is called "Street Scene" tells you everything you need to know about its inefficiency. How many council meetings and tens of thousands of pounds did it take before some bright spark in an advertising agency came up with that Blairite obscenity? If it was renamed "Waste Disposal" (which, after all, is what it is) then perhaps that would concentrate minds with regard to what it is supposed to do. Street Scene sounds more like a community-sponsored inner-city rap project than an efficient council department!

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 6 Dec 2009, 21:55

How about scooping the next lot up and dumping it on the Leader of the Councils doorstep? That sort of tactic tends to get one noticed in my very very long experience of local politics in much less genteel surroundings than this halcyon rural retreat. Make sure the press photographers and camera crews are on hand eh.

glena chadwick

Sun 6 Dec 2009, 18:10

I agree with you Jon. The whole direction of WODC over the nine (goodness !!) years that I have been a councillor is to encourage recycling in every way they can. However, while bring sites are in a mess like this they are talkng the talk but not walking the walk. The top officals and the cabinet member responsible need to make the contractors do their job. It's not that they are ignorant of the problem---I keep telling them and so do others.

We had an Environment Scrutiny meeting on Thursday and I very forcibly raised the issue of the Spendlove site (and the Chippy councillors said that the New Street site in Chippy which had improved, has now gone backwards again). We were told that the new contract would be tougher but we said it shouldn't have to wait till the new contract comes into force---we want it kept clear now. I also made one or two suggestions for the smoother running of the site and these are being considered. However, it is not rocket science---just people not doing their job propely. I really think the only answer is for me, and any others who want to, to keep on reporting any problems and just continue doing this until they manage to do their job as they should.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 3 Dec 2009, 22:20

I agree with you in one sense, Sheelagh. Take responsibility for your actions.

But the trouble is that if people arrive to find the bins overflowing and take their stuff away, they will most probably then put it in their wheelie bins, and they won't come back next time to…

Long post - click to read full text

Shelagh Scott

Thu 3 Dec 2009, 14:19

One of the bins is again overflowing, with tin cans all over the ground. The council should of course empty bins quicker, but the responsibility for the mess lies with the people who just dump things, as in Jon's photo. Most recyclers seem to arrive by car so is it unreasonable to expect them to take the rubbish away if there is no room?

Roger Short

Thu 26 Nov 2009, 19:31

Is it any wonder the pubs are going out of business,OR is it the co-op employees hitting the bottle big time.

graham W

Thu 26 Nov 2009, 17:00

I like the thought that so many people are having parties hence the bottles!

glena chadwick

Wed 25 Nov 2009, 14:52

Have just emailed the WODC head of street scene to get them to clear it up. They usually do that when I (frequently) contact them but it shouldn't need that. They should keep it clear anywhere.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 25 Nov 2009, 14:17

Here we go again.

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