French lessons

Judith Haynes

Thu 9 Feb 2006, 20:57

Sorry I have not been able to post another notice about the possibility of a French class before now, but I am in a position to offer an informal class, possibly on a Tues evening. Please contact me if you are interested. We would need about 6 people to make it viable. My phone number is 01608 810839

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 31 Jan 2006, 19:07

Try Marie-Reine Staton, .


Tue 31 Jan 2006, 12:57

Despite my efforts (I did send Jude Haynes an email asking for details about her existing French class and how she may want to run an evening class for us but have not had a response so far) Is there anyone else out there who would like to run/moderate an informal French conversation evening in Charlbury? Preferable weekly?

Derek Collett

Fri 20 Jan 2006, 21:24

I would also be interested in this. I did "O" Level French 25 years ago and would like to brush my skills up to good conversational level. I could do either mornings or evenings, preferably in Charlbury itself.


Thu 19 Jan 2006, 13:58

We should really sort something out as quite a few of us are interested. I too could only make it in the evening - Tuesday evening is particularly good. Perhaps Jude could set up an evening class for us? Would you be able to give us an idea of costs, availability, etc?

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 17 Jan 2006, 09:22

I would be interested in this group too - my French is only O Level and that was over 35 years ago!! We are going to France this summer so would be handy. Would have to be in the evening though, and preferably in Charlbury.

Judith Haynes

Mon 16 Jan 2006, 20:03

I am a French teacher who for many years taught in adult education and I am now running an informal French conversation class on a Wednesday morning at my house. I would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to join the class. I would also be happy to set up another one at a different time if it would suit people better. You can contact me by phone on 01608 810839 or by email on

John Larder

Fri 13 Jan 2006, 20:35

For me everything locally these days is informal conversational French but I am learning slowly - if you want to learn(suffer) with me look at

Katie R

Tue 3 Jan 2006, 09:52

Maybe we should take steps to arrange this now it is the new year?

Helen Wilkinson

Mon 12 Dec 2005, 20:00

I also would be interested. If there was enough support could we organise own 'teacher'?

Katie R

Fri 2 Dec 2005, 09:15

I would be interested in an informal French group...


Thu 1 Dec 2005, 14:32

Hi Vicky, I don't know of any French lessons but I would be interested in practicing my French. Perhaps we could hold some sort of an informal conversational evening if anyone else is interested??


Wed 2 Nov 2005, 15:19

Does anyone know if it's possible to get informal conversational French lessons locally?

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