Congratulations to Andy Graham

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 5

Fri 12 May 2023, 14:50 (last edited on Fri 12 May 2023, 14:55)

I’m not sure whether it’s Andy, Liz, or the officers who deserve thanks for this (or all three!), but it was good to see Charlbury included in the Market Town Survey which Gareth has posted to the news section.

WODC in previous years would often exclude Charlbury from any town centre initiatives – Witney and Chippy were very much the focus, with Carterton sometimes making an appearance too. When the town council asked for Charlbury to have a designated town centre area for planning purposes a few years ago, like the others do, WODC turned us down flat. I’m really pleased to see that this attitude has changed.

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 8

Tue 9 May 2023, 20:20

Actually I didn't intend to sound so blunt as it might have come over because I am pleased with the result in keeping out you-know-who. I've known a lot of councillors and worked closely with them for many decades before coming to Charlbury with small children and dropping out of politics. More detailed disagreements cheerfully put aside, I feel Charlbury has been well-served by Liz and Graham and have - generally - been content and positive with the service to our Town by Liz and Andy at their level in the local government tiers - and think Liz is making a pretty good fist of the complexities of leading a coalition of its disparate nature at the County level now! 

If we could make more coalitions - within a Proportionate Electoral System of some proper sort as being pretty well the first thing on the agenda - we'd be in a better situation now.

Andy Graham
👍 11

Sat 6 May 2023, 06:21

Thank you all residents who voted for me and the liberal democrats. It is a great result and in west Oxfordshire the lib Dems will continue to lead the west Oxfordshire alliance including the labour  and green parties to find the best and positive solutions for our town and villages. Thank you all for your faith in me and Liz Leffman.

Charlie M
👍 3

Fri 5 May 2023, 23:16

Malcolm is correct. (No disrespect to Andy Graham!)

Carl A Perkins
👍 4

Fri 5 May 2023, 19:39

Lives in Churchill doesn’t he?

Paul D Jackson
👍 3

Fri 5 May 2023, 19:05

Highest turnout 47% in West Oxfordshire

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Fri 5 May 2023, 18:31

Well done, Andy!

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 7

Fri 5 May 2023, 16:18 (last edited on Fri 5 May 2023, 16:42)

Don't forget your tactical voters and a tacit obligation, Andy! 

Jim Holah
👍 3

Fri 5 May 2023, 14:11

Seconded, well done Andy.

Christopher Tatton
👍 32

Fri 5 May 2023, 12:15

Congratulations to Andy Graham on being re-elected as the WODC Councillor for Charlbury, Finstock and Fawler. 😁

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