Market Street power cut

Ray Jones
👍 15

Tue 25 Apr 2023, 19:44

Michele, Clarkson is just a decoy!

Rupert Murdoch is the ghastly puppeteer behind all misfortune.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 1

Tue 25 Apr 2023, 17:36

It is!

Rachel Ramsay
👍 1

Tue 25 Apr 2023, 15:17

Is Co-op back open?

Birgit den Outer
👍 8

Tue 25 Apr 2023, 13:27

Power on Market Street was restored at about 4am - can't be sure because my alarm reset itself with a random time. Still, I spent the evening with my son in the R&C because of warmth, light and (ginger) beer, and who could ask for more. 

michele marietta
👍 12

Tue 25 Apr 2023, 12:15 (last edited on Tue 25 Apr 2023, 12:15)

I blame Clarkson. For everything.

Jan Going

Tue 25 Apr 2023, 12:03

It must be the season for robberies.  My daughter had her car window smashed last week in the Memorial Hall car park in Chadlington.


Tue 25 Apr 2023, 10:55

Does anyone know if the coop has reopened yet?

Emily Algar
👍 3

Tue 25 Apr 2023, 09:12

And people say nothing happens in Charlbury…

Gareth Epps

Tue 25 Apr 2023, 08:35

Yes, the Co-Op is closed at present with police in attendance.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 25 Apr 2023, 06:49

The power is back on but Market Street is closed to traffic.

Separately I believe there was another attempted break-in at the Co-op last night.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 2

Mon 24 Apr 2023, 20:34 (last edited on Mon 24 Apr 2023, 20:45)

SSE are out in hi-visibility force investigating what’s going on. We had smoke coming up through our doorstep earlier…

It sounds likely that Market Street is going to be closed at some point. If you have a car on the 1-hour spaces near the pharmacy you might want to consider moving it. 

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