Later opening times of Charlbury Station Ticket office

Dave Sangwine

Tue 24 Nov 2009, 13:03

It's all back to normal at the ticket office now. Opens at 5:50 in the morning, but as that is the only time that interests me, it's the only one I've mentally noted. I have to say that common sense seems to have prevailed.

Kate Smith

Tue 24 Nov 2009, 08:37

Does anyone know what time the ticket office actually rather than officially closes? I'd like to pick up a ticket at about 12.30/45ish but can't work out whether or which days I might find it open.

Peter Evans

Thu 19 Nov 2009, 18:17

I contacted the DfT about this and they have explained 'the Department for Transport has not instructed First Great Western (FGW) to change its ticket office opening hours and that the franchise agreement does not oblige them to make this change'. They have contacted FGW and explained the compliance position, and understand that FGW are urgently reviewing the position.

John D

Tue 17 Nov 2009, 17:42

I've just this minute written to the Rt Hon David Cameron MP asking if he has any influence in shortening the timescale required for FGW to seek permission to open the station earlier. I've also provided a link to this Forum page.

Caroline Shenton

Tue 17 Nov 2009, 13:24

It is not just papers and more complex tickets which the users of the first two trains are going to miss. It is also the availability of a warm waiting room on the not-infrequent occasions when trains are late in cold or rainy weather, and also a loo for women.

John Stanley

Tue 17 Nov 2009, 13:02

It is perverse that the Department for Transport (DfT) insists on specific opening hours for specific stations, especially when this results in the station operators missing two peak fare trains, which can attract some 60 passengers between them, in favour of a train just after 1300 which only attracts an average of 6 to 10 people paying off-peak fares.

The Cotswold Line Promotion Group has raised this matter with First Great Western, but it appears that the non-compliance goes back many years - probably to before FGW's taking over the franchise. FGW states that it will have to comply for at least 3 months, after which, it can apply for a change based on the evidence of revenue lost during this time. It will then take quite some time for the DfT to consider any application for a change in opening hours.

What has not yet been explained is why, on the Cotswold Line, it is only Charlbury which is non-compliant. Kingham station will continue as before!

Regarding the sale of Newspapers at the station, it is regrettable that access to the cash box has been lost for the 0606 and 0634 trains. Obviously, it is for News and Things to consider whether it is still a commercially viable proposition just to have papers available for the 0726, 0749, 0835 and 1007 departures. Hopefully, papers will continue to be available for these later trains.

Dave Sangwine

Tue 17 Nov 2009, 11:19

On Monday morning, Teresa Ceesay was onsite at 06:30 to apologise to all travellers for the lack of facilities for the first two trains. It's a mess-up between Thames Trains and contracts. She has been doing all she can to remedy the situation, but unfortunately we are stuck with it for some months (6 perhaps). I note that this morning, however (Tuesday), no papers because not open. I guess that the papers are not worth delivering when they lose two trains...

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 16 Nov 2009, 21:06

Teresa is trying to sort this out. However you may be pleased to know that the papers were there to buy!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 16 Nov 2009, 07:57

Rather exasperatingly, the National Rail website was showing opening hours until both 1pm and 1.15pm (well, quite) on Friday. So I walked down to buy a ticket at 12.20pm and, guess what, the office was shut.

Still, travelling on Arriva Trains Wales this weekend (incompetent ticket sales, ridiculously crowded trains, barely cleaned carriages) made us very grateful for FGW. Even the Turbo that rolled up at Hereford station seemed like a blessed relief!

Dave Sangwine

Sun 15 Nov 2009, 09:30

As of Monday 16th November, the ticket office won't open until 06:40. It'll be closed, therefore, for the first two commuter trains of the day. This means no papers, I guess as the honesty box will be locked inside. Still it means the office will still be open for those going into London at 1.15pm....

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