Hen Harrier Sighting??

Miles Walkden

Mon 20 Mar 2023, 08:27

I was lucky to go and watch a Marsh Harrier in Yorkshire a couple of years back. You would definitely know. Really big and distinctive bird.

Hamish Nichol

Sun 19 Mar 2023, 22:02

The Cornell Lab android app called "Merlin Bird ID" is great for identifying bird calls - if you can get close enough and get your phone out in time! 

There were sparrow hawks nesting on the edge of quarry lane last year, great to see them practising hunting each day.

Andy Godfrey

Sun 19 Mar 2023, 15:38

Marsh Harrier’s are still rare. Size is another factor, a Harrier’s wingspan is nearly double that of a Sparrowhawk. 

Michael Manning

Sun 19 Mar 2023, 14:00

Agreed, they are extremely rare but it didn’t make the sound of a sparrow hawk or a peregrine. I’ve googled both sounds to check. Is a Marsh Harrier possible? Less rare? It was near a river.

Andy Godfrey

Sun 19 Mar 2023, 08:24

Very unlikely to be a Harrier, extremely rare birds.  Sounds more likely to be a Sparrowhawk, or even a Peregrine?

Michael Manning

Sat 18 Mar 2023, 22:40

Yes, initially thought it was a sparrow hawk but the sound of the bird was very different to the call of a sparrow hawk. It was very distinctive which caught my attention. Any ideas as to what else it could be?

Miles Walkden

Sat 18 Mar 2023, 22:16

Yes, most likely a Sparrow Hawk - wonderful birds. Zip along near the ground often and pop up over hedges to startle small birds. Black wings, white underbelly. We have one come through our garden very occasionally in Charlbury.

Hen Harrier very rare in the Mainland UK.

Flora Gregory

Sat 18 Mar 2023, 20:57

A sparrow hawk ?  They fly very fast and low. Great footage here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra6I6svXQPg

Michael Manning

Sat 18 Mar 2023, 19:01

Sighting of unusual bird of prey near Chilson early this afternoon. Strange bird sound caught my attention, sounding like a repetitive almost electronic squeak! The bird was flying very fast and low to ground rising up occasionally, with frequent wing flapping. White underbelly with black wings. After some research think it could have been a hen harrier?  Does anyone actually think I could have seen a hen harrier near Charlbury? 


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