Booking Wilderness Tickets - Password Issue

Craig Richards

Wed 1 Mar 2023, 16:30

I have the same problem as others. Two tickets were booked, one with camping. Both ticket offers received - Non-Camping. Not that I could download the non-Camping tickets anyway... are there some left to attempt to rebook on Sunday?

Angela Moore

Wed 1 Mar 2023, 13:53

Just had a call from Tyler to say try again. I did and it worked (4 adults, 1 teen, 1 child). Only thing I did slightly different was click 'unlock' next to the child ticket type, instead of the adult, but I think it's more likely that Ticketmaster have fixed it.)

Good luck all!

christopher edeson

Wed 1 Mar 2023, 11:22 (last edited on Wed 1 Mar 2023, 11:23)

we wanted to buy 4 x adults and 1 x 0-5 child. we got the error message everytime we requested this amount of tickets. today i tried again for just 4 x adults and it worked. so i have emailed them back to say this and asked them to add a child ticket to our booking,no reply as yet

Vanessa Heywood

Wed 1 Mar 2023, 09:45

I tried on another computer this morning and, I still cannot book! Sigh.

Robin Algar

Tue 28 Feb 2023, 23:38

Just switched to a different laptop and it worked.

Vanessa Heywood

Tue 28 Feb 2023, 17:52 (last edited on Tue 28 Feb 2023, 17:53)

I’ve not had it resolved either. I also had a call from them and was told the issue seems to happen for those trying to buy a child ticket. They also said it’s effected about 25 people. I also had an email after the phone call to say it’s resolved but like others, tried again and it was not working.  I’ve yet to receive an email asking me to clear cookies …

christopher edeson

Tue 28 Feb 2023, 17:31 (last edited on Tue 28 Feb 2023, 17:31)

their latest reply was to delete cookies and cache on my browser which is the equivalent of calling your work IT team and them saying just turn it off and back on again, aka they do not have a clue, as guess what it did not solve the issue and we still have not been able to buy tickets, just get the same error saying the password entered has expired and can no longer be used to buy tickets. Joy.  

has anybody that had this issue actually had it resolved?

christopher edeson
👍 1

Tue 28 Feb 2023, 14:11

yeah same here, Tyler called me and then i got an email saying its fixed so try again which i did, and it didnt work! 

Angela Moore

Tue 28 Feb 2023, 13:57

Update: it's still not working. Same issue. Have emailed them again.

Angela Moore

Tue 28 Feb 2023, 13:44

Hello all. I just got an email from the info@ address to say that they have fixed the issue and to try again, which I will do now...

Jean Flint

Tue 28 Feb 2023, 13:03

Same problem this morning!  Any advice as to where we go from here?

Susan Terry

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 21:41

I found the automated reply to my complaint to be almost worse: a stock response which was of no help at all. Very frustrating when we all just want to be excited, anticipating a great weekend. 

Nichola Huddleston

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 20:59

Same problem and I’ve also emailed.

Emily Alston

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 20:48

Same problem, also emailed! 

Seth Osborne

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 18:56

I'm also having the same problem. Will email too.

Vanessa Heywood
👍 1

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 18:24

This is the email I’ve been using;

Kieran Hood

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 18:07

We have the same issue.  Which email address are you emailing?  We'll also email them.

Vanessa Heywood

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 17:32

Oh dear lord! My thoughts exactly - wouldn’t have had a passcode if I didn’t do the previous steps 🙄 … 

Rebecca Brice

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 17:28

I’ve also just had a reply saying I must not have registered at the community centre, despite queuing for half an hour on Saturday morning! surely as we’ve received the email with the link that proves we did register. Really frustrating…

Josie Cope

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 17:26

Theyve just emailed me back and are claiming I didn’t do the form or go to the community centre; I did both. Hence how I got the email and code. Oh dear. Every year some sort of palaver with local tickets or wristbands. 

Vanessa Heywood

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 17:25

This is so frustrating, Wilderness have now said that I don’t appear to have been registered even though I had the email after the form submission and went to the community centre afterwards this weekend with ID and a utility bill … I’ve not done local wilderness tickets before, is it usually this stressful? 

christopher edeson

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 16:21

not working for us either - lets you get all the way to payment confirmation then tells us the code has expired, well sorry for being at work wilderness

Vanessa Heywood

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 16:17

I’m also trying to book non-camping. I have emailed Wilderness and they’ve replied asking what campsite I was trying to book. Currently waiting for another reply now I’ve explained it was non-camping. 

Rachael Lunney

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 16:12


I had two email, 

The three we camping i booked

The one non camping the password not working.

Robin Algar

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 16:01

My problem is that I booked 2 adult tickets and 5 teen tickets but the code won't allow me to take the teen tickets above 4. Anybody any ideas? Emailing the 'info' email just gets an automated instruction to read the FAQ's. Nightmare!

Josie Cope

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 15:50

Copy and pasted was used. Have tried numerous time with different payment methods and each time it says the password has expired 

Robin Algar

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 15:40

try cutting and pasting the password as it's very difficult to tell what is o and what is 0

Josie Cope

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 15:19

Having the same problem!

David Mathias

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 15:04

I also have this issue, tried within half an hour of receiving email, same error message

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 14:30

mine went through no problem but I did it almost immediately of receiving the email 

Vanessa Heywood

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 14:01


Has anyone else tried to book their local tickets on Ticketmaster? I received my email today inviting me book and during the checkout process I received a message to say "The password you entered has expired and can no longer be used to purchase tickets". It had only been about 10 minutes since I'd received the email, I hate to think the cut of time for booking tickets after receiving the email is 10 minutes or less?

Has anyone else experience this issue? 


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