Kerbside weeds

Amanda Epps

Tue 20 Oct 2009, 16:00

In 2007-8 OCC cut the funding for weed clearing. Sue Haffenden, our then County Councillor told the Town Council that the funding had been reinstated for 2008-9. When Neil Owen her replacement canvassed me (I thought it was quite funny that he sought my vote when I had stood against him in the past!) I had a go at him about the weed clearing as the area of the Green near me had a good crop of buddleias,etc. He told me to contact him if he was elected, which I did. He replied a month later claiming he had just received the email although I sent it to the address on the OCC website. The weeds are now more extensive but nothing has been done. It appears that he is as effective as the previous one! Jon, the elderly cannot be expected to clear the pavements when they pay the same council tax as those in other towns where weeds are cleared.

Chris Bates

Tue 20 Oct 2009, 09:03

Jon - with rerspect it's been done nearly every year until spending cuts stopped it. It dries practically on contact & is no threat once dry.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 19 Oct 2009, 19:15

If people spent two minutes a year with a trowel or spade outside their houses... and it doesn't need weedkiller, which cats and dogs will sniff up. We're very good at delegating our responsibilities to other people, aren't we? And we'd complain if council tax went up - yeah! And what exactly is the health and safety implication of removing a weed from the gutter? I know what the health and safety implications are of having people spraying weedkiller round the streets.

Chris Bates

Mon 19 Oct 2009, 09:19

I believe OCC were willing to make a small grant to local councils willing to take this on. But there are obvious Health & safety requirements - you can't just go out & do it.

glena chadwick

Sun 18 Oct 2009, 23:52

I'm afraid so---it was a County Council thing, not WODC and when I enquired last year I was told they had not got the money to do it.

graham W

Sat 17 Oct 2009, 21:21

Have the local, district councils stopped their annual spraying of weed killer around the kerbs of Charlbury? As it is really bad in and around the Green / Elm Crescent areas.

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