The incident on Woodstock Road last night

Richard Broughton
(site admin)

Mon 12 Oct 2009, 22:01

Car crash, apparently.
From the linked story, "Two men in their 20s were in a car that crashed at about 5.20pm on the B4437 between Woodstock and Charlbury in west Oxfordshire."
My wife and I were also diverted via Callow Farm and Stonesfield last evening, but I could not see any police activity along the road through the wood there. However, on the way out earlier in the evening I noted some mud on the road past Lees Rest and observed to my wife that that was an accident waiting to happen, however I don't know where precisely the wreck was.

Melissa Howard

Mon 12 Oct 2009, 20:24

Does anyone know what happened in the forest part of Woodstock Road last night .. I had tried to go through but the road was totally closed off on both sides?

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