Charlbury Street Fair

Tim Widdows

Fri 2 Oct 2009, 09:34

There you go you have a new competition for the street fair
"Ye Olde Charlbury Cake Competition"

Who can bake the best cake ?

There's no shortage of good cake makers in this town and i doubt that there would be any shortage of willing Judges either.

russell robson

Thu 1 Oct 2009, 21:50

It might have been my wife. Was it round with a toffee fudge like topping?.


Mon 28 Sep 2009, 23:41

A friend of mine bought me the best apple spiced cake in the world from the Charlbury Street Fair on Sept 19th. I'd love to find out who made it! It was raved about by friends who were lucky enough to eat it!

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