Charlbury station

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Sun 16 Jul 2023, 18:34

Last time I tried to use an Oxford Parkway-type machine, it wouldn’t sell me the relevant ticket.  The previous time the ticket was so well hidden that I had to ask the member of staff how to find it, and he just sold it himself.

The problem is that removing humans from the sale of tickets will harm customer choice.  More so, of course, if you want to use cash, or cannot use the Internet.

The penalty fares system means that, if you cannot buy the ticket you need at a machine, you will be penalised.

Nicolette lethbridge

Sun 16 Jul 2023, 17:29

Thank you Christine 

Christine Battersby

Sun 16 Jul 2023, 17:12

Click on the entry by yourself that you wish to delete or change and an edit button will come up. The heading will remain even after your edit is completed and it will also show the last time you edited the entry.

Sometimes the web team will remove the heading. But if there have been replies that is unlikely to happen. 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 5

Wed 1 Feb 2023, 09:30

It’s a little frustrating as GWR do have displays that can work from mobile data rather than requiring a fixed data connection – some of the smaller stations on the Cotswold Line have them. And clearly there’s power to the display given that it’s been showing “Welcome to Charlbury Station”.

Emily Algar

Wed 1 Feb 2023, 09:03

Liz, I hope so too but the communications manager I spoke to received his information from the regional manager so...

Liz Leffman

Wed 1 Feb 2023, 08:52 (last edited on Wed 1 Feb 2023, 08:56)

Thank you for contacting them Emily. The person that I spoke to is the regional manager for the line, so he might have a bit more clout than the communications team, but we shall see.

Emily Algar
👍 3

Tue 31 Jan 2023, 19:10

Stephen, I reached out to a contact within GWR's communication team and he kindly he gave me the information posted. I was hoping for an approximate date and also whether there was a way of getting the ticket machine up and running before the station opened, but alas no. I will let you know if I hear anymore news.

Btw, Liz and Gareth, the role of station manager was never advertised by GWR. I know this is what they have told you, but it never happened.

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Tue 31 Jan 2023, 18:04

One of those irregular verbs:

It's being worked on

We're on the case

You won't be able to use it for the foreseeable

Liz Leffman

Tue 31 Jan 2023, 17:55

Only telling you what I have been told

Stephen Andrews
👍 1

Tue 31 Jan 2023, 16:25

I see from todays' posted News item, that the GWR 'communication team' have let us know that the GWR 'maintenance team' have not got any expectation or timetable for sorting out the problems at the station. How can that be 'on the case'?

Liz Leffman

Sun 29 Jan 2023, 15:37

I was told by GWR on Thursday that they are on the case but don't know when it will be resolved.

Gareth Epps

Sun 29 Jan 2023, 11:21

Not working as of yesterday: the power to the station building drives the machine and the departure information boards.

We’re told that it’s ‘being worked on’.

Grahame Ockleston

Sun 29 Jan 2023, 11:15

Does anyone know if the ticket machine is working, please ?

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