This New Year what do you want from an exercise class?

Jessica Carter Lees
👍 2

Sun 8 Jan 2023, 19:53

Fab - thank you to all those who got back to me. 

Its been great to hear what people are looking for. I will definitely plan something outdoors once we see some more daylight... ohhhh moments more each day! 

Suzanne I think Jason does do a Legs Bums and Tums class (Tone Zone) on a Friday morning 9-10am @the Community Centre. I also love the sound of Michele's barre class - unfortunately I can't make that time but have heard that its fab!

All the best,


Kathryn Fairhurst
👍 3

Sat 7 Jan 2023, 18:57 (last edited on Sat 7 Jan 2023, 18:58)

Thanks Jess - like Catherine says, something outdoors would be good. Something which provided endurance/speed for the persistent-ish jogger - to give me some variation on the one speed I can run! Evenings probably best.

Catherine Ball
👍 8

Sat 7 Jan 2023, 09:23

Hi there Jess - I love the idea of an outdoor class when evenings get lighter. And I think there would be enough interest as it would be distinct from the other excellent offerings! 

Matthew Greenfield
👍 2

Thu 5 Jan 2023, 13:12 (last edited on Thu 5 Jan 2023, 13:16)

Hi! If anyone is looking to try out a yoga class then I am holding a free taster beginners class on Saturday 21st January, 10-11am, at Charlbury Yoga Studio. (Regular classes also start next week from 9th January.) Please email me for more info and to book your place (spaces are limited):


Good luck everyone in 2023 with the various excellent exercise classes that Charlbury has to offer!

michele marietta
👍 6

Wed 4 Jan 2023, 16:28

Hi all! Charlbury Pilates runs Pilates classes but also Tuesday evening barre fitness (exercise to music) 7-8pm and it’s based on Pilates and ballet principles to lengthen and strengthen. I also run a low-impact fitness class Mondays 9:30-10:30 online. 

Get in touch! or 07817 890 787


Suzanne Chavda
👍 4

Wed 4 Jan 2023, 15:59

Hi Jess, for what it’s worth my suggestion would be a general overall fitness class to music. Something that targets all those area’s that most of us want to try and tone up, whilst having fun. You’re right there’s lots of yoga / Pilates all of which have their place but I have found it hard to find a general fitness type of class.  Back in the day (now I’ve given my age away 😂) there was one in every village hall.  I also notice (although not local enough) Strictly Fit classes springing up which sound great.  Is it time to update /rebrand & bring back the humble Legs,Bums &Tums ?  (In terms of timings early evening? ) Best of Luck 

Jessica Carter Lees
👍 3

Wed 4 Jan 2023, 10:53 (last edited on Wed 4 Jan 2023, 10:53)

Hello folks 

This is Jess here a Charlbury based Personal Trainer. I run 2 classes in Charlbury currently, an early morning class on Saturdays @ 7.45am and a new Resistance weight training class on Wednesday evenings 7pm-8pm. Both of these classes are at The Community Centre. 

Having just taken the leap to PT full time with 1-2-1 sessions alongside these classes, I am looking to add a new class to my offering and would love to hear what people would like to see.

The incomparable Jason at the Community Centre and many of the wonderful Pilates and Yoga teachers we have here in Charlbury cover such a wonderful array of disciplines and focuses. But I am curious if there is a time and day that people feel would suit a class, or perhaps a focus that people would like to look at?

More weight training (vital as we age) - High intensity interval training (HIIT) - Shorter early morning classes to do before work or school drop off - outdoor circuits? 

Let me know your thoughts! Jess 

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