Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock - borrow or buy s.v.p

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 5 Jan 2023, 13:39

Gave up in the end and have gone electronic book. Old books - if they have been digitised - seem to be 3.99 on Kindle, better than the 28.99 for a hardback 2nd hand... my remaining eye struggles with focus on small print and get sea-sick, literally, from blurred motion. On a kindle you can expand text.

Still, nothing beats the tactile and aesthetic experience of a nicely bound codex!

Amanda Epps

Tue 3 Jan 2023, 22:32

The County Library have a hardback copy Malcolm if you’re a member.

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 3 Jan 2023, 15:23

Anyone got a copy of Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock I could buy or borrow from them.

I've reached a stage in life where books read 40, 50! years ago compel re-reading. My copies of the story sequence have disappeared. Anyone got one in readable condition - preferably hardback with the bigger typeface. My surviving eye is not what it was and old, cheaply-printed on browning paper paperback script is hard on me. 

Second hand prices are for first editions and exorbitantly priced. Just want a "reader"...

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