Street Fair

Julie Negus

Mon 14 Sep 2009, 17:24

Street Fair
This year's Street Fair will be held on Saturday 19th September. The theme this year is "Back to the Future" - so get your thinking caps on regarding the parade, childrens' fancy dress etc. The usual Egg Throwing Competition will be held on Friday 18th outside the Bell and the Fun Run and 10K run through Cornbury Park will be held on Sunday 20th September - phew! All that hard work! Anyway, put these dates in your diaries so as not to miss one of the best highlights in the Charlbury calendar.

Roger Short

Mon 14 Sep 2009, 16:45

Is it not back to the future,no good having bars of the future with this government because if they have their way there wont be any.??????

Sue Normand

Sun 13 Sep 2009, 22:46

Will there be any ugly Betty's at SF this year? I hear that the theme for 2009 is "Bars of the Future" is that correct? I wonder what the Beer Festival take on that might be??

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